how to describe voiceWords used to describe someone's voice adenoidal ADJECTIVE if someone’s voice is adenoidal, some of the sound seems to come through their nose appealing ADJECTIVE an appealing look, voice etc shows that you want help, approval, or agreement breathy ADJECTIVE with loud...
Dynamics is not only loud and soft; it includes articulations and transitory elements such as vibrato, glissandos, or cadenzas. It’s basically a catch-all term to describe that special “something” that is hard to put your finger on but keeps you listening and engaged. ...
It's a huge part of your life - maybe you listen to it while you work, while you exercise, or even just to relax after a long day. But what about talking about it? Do you ever feel like you just can't describe what you love about a song in English? Yo...
Notice how this description uses everyday language to convey the piece's emotional atmosphere. Metaphors Metaphors can be especially powerful in illustrating the emotional impact of music. For instance, you might describe a jazz improvisation as "a spontaneous conversation between old friends, full of...
5. Get the Right Equipment and Setup: For a professional-sounding podcast, you’ll need a good microphone, some voice recording software and a home studio setup. 6. Hire a Musician to Compose Your Podcast Theme Music: If you’re not a musician, you can always purchase stock music or hir...
You need to learnhow to work your diaphragmwhen breathing.You should feel your stomach rise, then your chest. Stand up tall and straight then try saying “ha” a few times in short, powerful bursts. That’s the feeling of breathing and speaking with a supported voice. ...
Transposes music from one instrument or voice to another in order to accommodate a particular musician or group; write scores for musical groups & soloists.
"Weird Vibrations: How the Theremin Gave Musical Voice to Holly- wood's Extraterrestrial `Others.'" Journal of Popular Film and Television 30, 3 (Fall 2002): 125-135.J. Wierzbicki. Weird vibrations: How the theremin gave musical voice to hollywood's extraterrestrial others. Journal of Popular...
It seems to me that there's a bit of a parallel between your musical fingerprint and what Beyoncé is doing. The way that I look at all music — be it symphonic or small jazz trio or quartet — I always believe that I can add something musically. I'm an...
Use clear and descriptive names for each category. Avoid using names that may confuse readers. Instead, let the names describe the content in that category. 5. Add essential pages If you are a musician, considerthese pages for your music blog. Most bloggers still need some of those pages, ...