休谟有这样一个著名的问题,How to derive Ought from Is?用中文来说,如何从存在实在,推导出什么是应该的?或者说推导出价值的高低取舍? 中国的道学,有这样一句话,叫“拔一毛以利天下者,不为也”。或者完整点,是“损一毫利天下,不与也;悉天下奉一身,不取也”。其实这里的重点不在一毫有多小,也不在天下有...
好,ought变成名词了,叫“应当”,Is叫“存在”。How to derive Oughtfrom Is--如何才能从“存在”在中推出应当”来呢?直译的话这句子就是这个意思,把它直接的译成汉语。休谟问题二就是:如何可能从“存在”在中推出“应当”?“应当”牵涉到价值,所以也有人把它翻译成“义务”。如何从“存在”中推出“义务”呢...
howtoderiveacuteoughtacutefromacuteisacute如何从应该 系统标签: acutederiveoughtjstordownloadedjan PhilosophicalReview HowtoDerive"Ought"From"Is" Author(s):JohnR.Searle Reviewedwork(s): Source:ThePhilosophicalReview,Vol.73,No.1(Jan.,1964),pp.43-58 Publishedby:DukeUniversityPressonbehalfofPhilosophicalRe...
It is often said that one cannot derive an 'ought' from an 'is'. This thesis, which comes from a famous passage in Hume's Treatise , while not as clear as it might be, is at least clear in broad outline: there is a class of statements of fact which is logically distinct from a...
How to Derive "Ought" From "Is"John R. SearleThe Philosophical Review, Vol. 73, No. 1. (Jan., 1964), pp. 43-58.Stable URL:http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0031-8108%28196401%2973%3A1%3C43%3AHTD%22F%22%3E2.0.CO%3B2-9The Philosophical Review is currently published by Cornell ...
How to derive ‘ought’ from ‘is’ Searle, John R. The Is-Ought Question: 120-134 –Jan 1, 1969 References References for this paper are not available at this time. We will be adding them shortly, thank you for your patience.
【西哲课录制中】'HowtoderiveOughtfromIs?'——DavidHume 本站是提供个人知识管理的网络存储空间,所有内容均由用户发布,不代表本站观点。请注意甄别内容中的联系方式、诱导购买等信息,谨防诈骗。如发现有害或侵权内容,请点击一键举报。
"derive d"意思是起源,开始, A.Worked工作: B.Continu ed继续 ; C.Began开始: D.Changed改变。 结合选 项翻译可知,C项切合语境。 故选C项。 (3)A.推理判断题。 根据最后一段中"I can al ways count on my mom to make delicious Chi nese food every year"我总是可以指望我妈妈每年 做美味的中国...
aFighting means killing, and civilized peoples ought to be able to find some way of setting their disputes other than by seeing which side can kill off the greatest number of the other side. 战斗的手段杀害和文明的人民应该能发现设置他们的争执某一方式除通过看之外哪边可能杀害另一边的最了不起的...