好,ought变成名词了,叫“应当”,Is叫“存在”。How to derive Oughtfrom Is--如何才能从“存在”在中推出应当”来呢?直译的话这句子就是这个意思,把它直接的译成汉语。休谟问题二就是:如何可能从“存在”在中推出“应当”?“应当”牵涉到价值,所以也有人把它翻译成“义务”。如何从“存在”中推出“义务”呢...
加入我的组合 PhilosophicalReviewHowtoDerive"Ought"From"Is"Author(s):JohnR.SearleReviewedwork(s):Source:ThePhilosophicalReview,Vol.73,No.1(Jan.,1964),pp.43-58Publishedby:DukeUniversityPressonbehalfofPhilosophicalReviewStableURL:http://www.jstor.org/stable/2183201.Accessed:06/01/201310:41Youruseof...
How to derive ought from is?著名的休谟问题。好的书籍应该聚焦于阐述事实,然而价值判断是读者自己的事情。互联网的大众媒体时代为什么这么浮躁,就是因为讲事实的太少,教人做事的太多。 发布于 2022-12-17 11:25・IP 属地北京 赞同 分享收藏 写下你的评论... 还没有评论,发表第一个评论吧...
How to Derive "Ought" From "Is"John R. SearleThe Philosophical Review, Vol. 73, No. 1. (Jan., 1964), pp. 43-58.Stable URL:http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0031-8108%28196401%2973%3A1%3C43%3AHTD%22F%22%3E2.0.CO%3B2-9The Philosophical Review is currently published by Cornell ...
HowtoDerive“Ought”from “Is” DavidHume–“Is-Ought”Problem Ineverysystemofmorality,whichIhavehithertometwith,Ihavealways remark’d,thattheauthorproceedsforsometimeintheordinarywayof reasoning,andestablishesthebeingofaGod,ormakesobservations concerninghumanaffairs;whenofasuddenIamsurpriz’dtofind,thatinstea...
In his seminal article “How to Derive ‘Ought’ from ‘Is’,” which was published in 1964, John R. Searle offered a counterexample to Hume’s law. Here, Searle reconstructs the historical context in which that article appeared, when the task of moral philosophers—especially in the Angloph...
It is often said that one cannot derive an ‘ought’ from an ‘is’. This thesis, which comes from a famous passage in Hume’s Treatise, while not as clear as it might be, is at least clear in broad outline: there is a class of statements of fact which is logically distinct from ...
How to derive ‘ought’ from ‘is’ Searle, John R. The Is-Ought Question: 120-134 –Jan 1, 1969 References References for this paper are not available at this time. We will be adding them shortly, thank you for your patience.
hanging of red lanterns or firework s developed."我从来没有想过,直到妈妈强迫我上 一所特殊的中国学校,在那里我了解了著名庆典背 后的传统起源,并了解了悬挂红灯笼或烟花的方 式。可知我曾经并不了解中国新年的起源。“derive d"意思是起源,开始,A.Worked工作:B.Continu ed继续;C.Began开始:D.Changed改...