Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server allows you to extend the functionality of your database using extensions. Extensions bundle multiple related SQL objects in a single package that can be loaded or removed from your database with a command. After being loaded into the database, extensio...
適用於 PostgreSQL 的 Azure 資料庫是 Microsoft 雲端中的平台即服務資料庫服務。 它本身基於 PostgreSQL 開放原始碼關聯式資料庫,並包含內建高可用性、自動備份和還原,以及完整的安全性功能。 隨用隨付定價模式能提供可預測的效能和近乎即時的調整。 在此學習路徑中,會
使用Azure 门户,可以将 Azure Database for PostgreSQL - 单一服务器的实例迁移到 Azure Database for PostgreSQL - 灵活服务器。 在本教程中,我们将使用 Azure 门户将示例数据库从 Azure Database for PostgreSQL 单一服务器迁移到 PostgreSQL 灵活服务器。
可将PostgreSQL 数据库提取到转储文件中。 然后,可以在 Azure Database for PostgreSQL 单一服务器或灵活服务器中从 pg_dump 创建的文件进行还原。
The below configuration deploys the PostgreSQL to Kubernetes, creating a new database called app_db and a new user named app1 with a password (StrongPassword). # define default database user, name, and password for PostgreSQL deployment auth: enablePostgresUser: true postgresPassword: "StrongPas...
Is your data team looking for ways to move data from PostgreSQL to SQL Server? Great! The replication will help you achieve tighter integration with Microsoft products and services like Azure services. But, there are a few critical points to consider, such as schema differences between PostgreSQL...
Can we connect source as on-premise postgresql database and then do mapping data flow transformations in Azure data factory. Once done send the transformed data back onto On-premise Postgresql database. I am not sure why, but azure is not allowing me to select on...
You can generate a pgBadger report from Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server in multiple ways: Using Diagnostic Settings and redirecting logs to a storage account; mount storage account onto VM with BlobFuse. Using Diagnostic Settings and redirecting logs ...
For this major release, we decided to prepare and deploy beta and release candidate versions of PostgreSQL 15 internally, so that the integration between Azure Portal, the Citus database extension, and Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL service teams would go smoothly during the final phase...
PostgreSQL as a Service (PGaaS) is a specific form of Database as a Service (DBaaS) that enables users to easily create, manage, and use Postgres databases in the cloud. Various cloud service providers offer PGaaS options, including AWS with RDS for Postgres, Microsoft's Azure Da...