Our DevOps team has the SqlPackage.exe file saved in a custom location on a virtual machine used for the agents. I need to access the file to be able to deploy DB projects to on-premise server using Azure DevOps pipeline. I tried couple different app...
How to deploy from Azure DevOps pipeline to App Service in customer Subscription, through Lighthouse Hi all. We have a project, a normal web app, in our Azure DevOps. Build & deploy work just fine using the pipelines, to our own dev subscriptions. But the actual customer ha...
I have an Azure DevOps pipeline which generates a .dacpac file using 'Visual Studio Build' step which uses the .sqlproj file from the repository. In this, i have a create table script in my repository which has a HASH Distribution with multiple columns. For ex: this is my...
First, create a repository in Azure Repos. This provides a centralized location and source control for the Terraform code. Not only does the repository ensure proper source control, we can build the code in theAzure DevOps pipelinefrom the source so we don't have to worry about creating b...
Is there a way to deploy to a virtual Directory using GitHub action "azure/webapps-deploy"? I don't see the equivalent in the GitHub action. In Azure DevOps you were able to do this:
change and return to the Azure DevOps console to ensure his build and release have properly kicked off. With that, Browne has a functioning web app. Check out the full video to walk through these steps and get ready to build a web app in Azure that incorporates a CI/CD pip...
Hello, We have various build and release pipelines. The current issue involves a non-YAML release pipeline that deploys to an Azure Linux AppService. We have ~8 of these pipelines and they're essentially identical. However, one of them continually has an
Below is the yaml file for an Azure Pipeline that continuously (on every change) builds the Dockerfile and pushes it to a Docker repository: Copy trigger:-devpr:-noneresources:-repo:selfparameters:-name:environmentdisplayName:'Deploy to Environment'default:'Prod'variables:-${{ifeq(parameters['...
Using Azure Service Fabric also allows for a smooth migration process. Microsoft suggests a migration plan that allows you to migrate your applications to microservices gradually and smoothly by reusing and improving existing code.Now, let’s explore in detail how to deploy a web .NET app...
Use the Azure Container Registry (ACR) to store your Docker Images Deploy the application into Azure App Services Automate the delivery pipeline utilising GitHub Actions NoteUsing GitHub Codespacescanincur costs. At the time of writing this tutorial, GitHub free accounts get 120 core-hours of Codesp...