Do you have any ideas about how to deliver a speech?___ 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 1. **明确目的**:在准备演讲之前,首先要明确你的演讲目的。你是要告知、说服、娱乐还是激励听众?明确目的有助于你决定演讲的内容和风格。 2. **了解听众**:了解你的听众是谁,他们的兴趣、知识水平和期望是什么。...
How to Deliver a Speech HowtoDeliveraSpeech SpeakingWithConfidenceAndPurpose ELEMENTSOFGOODSPEECH ATTITUDEREHEARSALVERBALEXPRESSIONNONVERBALEXPRESSION ATTITUDE •Attitudemattersagreatdealwithdelivery.•Aconfidentpresenceisanaspectofyourcredibilityandpersuasiveness.•Yetpeoplehavespeakerapprehension,fearofspeaking...
how to deliver a good speech HowtoDeliveraGoodSpeech 1.Typesofspeech 从功能上划分 1、“使人知”演讲。这是一种以传达信息、阐明事理为主要功能的演讲。2、“使人信”演讲。这种演讲的主要目的是使人信赖、相信3、“使人激”演讲。这种演讲意在使听众激动起来,在思想感情上与你产生共鸣,从而欢呼、雀跃。
A. Molly, are you ready for the weekend speech? B. The point of speech is not totally depending on the content. C. First, you should remember to keep eye-contact with your audience. 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 B 该题目翻泽为:你对发表演讲有什么看法么?A.Molly ,你往备好闭末的演讲...
Many people wonder what makes a good speech and how to deliver a speech. Experts say that all great speeches have one thing in common: The speaker is able to 1 into the listeners’ minds an idea, which is an extraordinary gift. When a speaker 2 with an audience, the brains of the pe...
Before the speech, we can step out of the building or do some simple backward counting to help us concentrate on the present. 总的来说,控制焦虑并不是一件容易的事情,但是通过问候焦虑、将演讲变成对话以及保持当下的时刻,...
This article presents information on how to deliver a speech. The problem of delivering a speech, in which the speaker should chose a subject he wants to talk about, and must be prepared in such a way that he wants to talk about it to a particular audience, outline it carefully, learn ...
how to deliver a speech教学内容 howtodeliveraspeech •Inwikipedia,speechisthevocalizedformofhumancommunication.Itisbaseduponthecombinationoflexicalsandnamesthataredrawnfromverylarge(usuallytoabout10,000differentwords)vocabularies.•Indictionary,speechistheactofdeliveringaformalspokencommunicationtoaudiences.•...