Shell Credits are the universal currency inWuthering Waves, used for all upgrades and shopping needs. While they may seem abundant initially, players soon realize that each upgrade, level-up, and ascension demands substantial sums of money. As a result, players often feel the need to start farm...
Wuthering Waves: Waveplates System Explained The energy system, Waveplates in Wuthering Waves is one of the most important resources in the game. This principle also extends to outro skills from support characters. Therefore, players should carefully time their rotations to ensure optimal synergy. Fo...
Waterlow, while a historian with a PhD from Oxford, is not a professor and has no theoretical ax to grind; he does know a lot about people and how they adjust to the world around them, and his account is refreshing and eye-opening. I’m going to quote a passage from chapter 5 on ...