How to delete a directory with the system account in Windows Server 2008 R2? How to Delete certificate from Root CA< How to delete event logs automatically from C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs folder How to delete old windows server backup how to deploy .cab file through GPO How to deploy...
For more information, see your Windows documentation.Expand table Note Re-creating an event log can be a difficult process. It is good practice to not delete any of the system-created event logs, such as the Application log. You can delete your custom logs and re-create them as needed....
移除自訂記錄檔的方式和移除任何記錄檔相同,可藉由呼叫 Delete 方法完成。如需詳細資訊,請參閱 HOW TO:刪除事件記錄檔。最重要的是,要注意建立事件記錄檔和建立 EventLog 元件執行個體的差別。使用 CreateEventSource 方法時,您是在 Windows 裡建立一個新的自訂事件記錄檔,而不是在專案或應用程式裡建立一個元件。當...
Notă You remove a custom log the same way you remove any log — by calling the Delete method. For more information, see How to: Delete Event Logs.It is important to note the difference between creating an event log and creating an instance of the EventLog component. When you use th...
Event logs are set to a maximum size that determines how many entries each log can contain. When an event log is full, it will either stop recording entries or begin overwriting the oldest entries with new entries, depending on the log's settings in the Windows Event Viewer. In either cas...
referring to backup files on a Windows server, export events from the repository server. referring to backup files on a CIFS/SMB share, export events from the gateway server. If no gateway server was assigned in the repository settings, export event logs from the Veeam Backup Server and all ...
Windows Information Protection (WIP) Create a WIP policy using Microsoft Intune Create a WIP policy using Microsoft Configuration Manager Mandatory tasks and settings required to turn on WIP Testing scenarios for WIP Limitations while using WIP How to collect WIP audit event l...
Let’s take a look at how to view these logs. Once the Event Viewer is active, expand the menu by clicking the Windows Logs folder. You can now select the log category you want to access and examine. When you run Event Viewer for the first time, you will notice four main folders: ...
In Windows, logs that are saved contain information about applications and the operating system itself. Moreover, these logs are structured and human-readable. For viewing the logs, Windows uses itsWindows Event Viewer.This application displays the event logs and allows the user to search, filte...
The third step copies the events from the Database Mail event log that are related to the messages copied in the first step, from the Database Mail tables to a new table named after the previous month in the format DBMailArchive_Log_<year_month>. The fourth step deletes the records of...