Mar 29, 2024 8:17 AM in response to tallurianil tallurianil wrote: I would like to consolidate and remove unwanted things from my icloud Log into Commence deleting Reply of 1 how to delete content on icloud Welcome to Apple Support Community A forum where Apple custo...
Is your iCloud storage full of old and irrelevant backup files? You can always delete old iPhone backups via iPhone, PC, and iTunes. Read more here!
Jan 25, 2025 6:58 PM in response to kavya217 Here is the official support document and instructions: View and manage iCloud device backups - Apple Support (1) Reply of 1 How to delete backups on icloud Welcome to Apple Support Community A forum where Apple customers help each other ...
Way 1. How to Delete Photos from iCloud on iPhone/iPad Deleting pictures from iCloud is just easy as ABC while using your iPhone or iPad. First of all, you have to make sure the iCloud Photos option is enabled in your iPhone or iPad settings. How to delete photos from iCloud storage...
Here’s how to delete files from iCloud: Go toiCloudand sign in with your Apple ID. Open your iCloud Drive. Choose the files you want to remove and click theDeleteicon in the iCloud Drive toolbar. The deleted files and folders will be removed from all of your devices linked with th...
How to view and delete old iPhone backups in iCloud The latest generation of iPhones that Apple sells today comes with a whopping 512GB of maximum internal storage, yet the company only gives you a paltry 5GB of iCloud storage for free, even if you buy the most expensive iPhone available...
The most direct way to remove photos from iCloud to free up its storage space is to delete them on the iCloud website. It's also easy to do: OpeniCloud.comand log in to the website using yourApple IDand password. You may need to perform a 2-factor authentication before you can de...
How to use a custom domain with iCloud The new premium subscription iCloud+ gives users the opportunity to use Apple’s popular cloud service with additional features. Among other things, the paid membership allows you to link the iCloud with your personal domain to send emails in the usual...
In case you lose some data on your Apple device, you can restore it from iCloud backup. But what happens if I delete the iCloud backup — will I lose everything? Deleting iCloud backup will erase the data you previously backed up to iCloud, and you won’t be able to recover delete...
Great! Now when you are familiar with the overall working of iCloud Mail, let’s learn things like how to delete all iCloud emails or delete an iCloud email account.1 How to Delete an iCloud Email?Since the iCloud Mail interface is extremely simple, you can easily manage your emails....