Type in the first portion of the Full Name in the cell next to it and press Enter. Type a few letters in the next cell, and Excel will automatically show all the first names removing the last names. Press Enter. Method 2 – Delete Text with the Find and Replace Option Case 2.1 – ...
Method 9 – Using VBA Code to Remove Text from a Cell Steps Select the cell range to apply VBA. We selected cells D5:D9. Right-click on the title name of the sheet. Select View Code from the context menu. A VBA window will open up. Copy the code given below: Sub Delete_Last_Ch...
1.Thefirst way to delete text from a cell is by using Find and Replace option. 2.Touse Find and Replace, pressCtrl+Hto display the Find and Replace dialog box. In the Find What box, enter the text you want to delete. In the Replace With box, enter an empty string ( ), as shown...
In a work environment, you may have a need to remove some hidden text or sensitive information from a cell in Excel. You could use Find and Replace,but that can be time-consuming, especially if you have hundreds of cells with theexacttext.Oftentimes, you might have a table or list of ...
VBA code: Delete worksheet based on cell value: Sub deletesheetbycell() 'Updateby Extendoffice Dim shName As String Dim xName As String Dim xWs As Worksheet Dim cnt As Integer shName = Application.InputBox("Input the text to delete the sheets based on:", "Kutools for Excel", _ "",...
To select and delete text, click any of the cells in the chosen column, for instance, column A1. If you select the cell in A1, Press theCtrl +Shift + Page upkey. If you select the cell from the bottom, for instance, B3, Press theCtrl +Shift + Page downkey. ...
Remove certain text from cell using a formula To remove part of a text string, you again use the SUBSTITUTE function in its basic form: SUBSTITUTE(cell,text, "") For example, to delete the substring "mailto:" from cell A2, the formula is: ...
See Excel Shortcut to Display Insert or Delete Dialog Box. Clear Contents in Google Sheets To clear cell contents without shifting in Google Sheets, follow these steps: Select the data range you want to clear (B4:E4), and in the Menu, go to Edit > Delete values. In this case, cell ...
There are three ways to find and delete duplicates within a cell in Excel. Just choose the one that works best for you. When it concernsremoving duplicate values or rows, Microsoft Excel offers an array of different options. But when it comes to removing identical text within a given cell,...
Cells in Excel: How to Insert and Delete Cells 5:39 6:13 Next Lesson Using the AND function in Excel Ch 7. Filter and Sort a Table in Excel Ch 8. Order & Group Cells & Ranges in... Ch 9. Create a Table in Excel Ch 10. Modify a Table in Excel Ch 11. Use Cell Ranges...