autocmd SwapExists * :let v:swapchoice = 'r' | let b:swapname = v:swapname autocmd VimLeave * :if exists("b:swapname") | call delete(b:swapname) | endif augroup end Moreover, that would allow you to use :DiffOrig, when in doubt about the difference between swap and or...
Before actually disabling swap space, first, you need tovisualize your memory load degreeand then identify the partition that holds the swap area, by issuing the belowfree command. # free -h Look for the Swap space used size. If the used size is0Bor close to0bytes, it can be assumed t...
Swap spaceis an allocated area on the hard disk that acts as virtual memory when physical RAM is exhausted. While it prevents system crashes due to low memory, it can slow down the system if overused. Clearing Cache, Buffer, and Swap Space in Linux In certain situations, you may need to...
You need to deactivate the swap space first To deactivate and delete the swap file: $ sudo swapoff -v /swapfile swapoff /swapfile Then, you need to remove the swap file line/swapfile none swap sw 0 0that we added to the/etc/fstabfile. After that, we can delete the swap file: $...
I’d like to walk through my personal .vimrc file section by section and break down what and why I have the configuration settings I do. Given that my .vimrc has over 15 years’ worth of built-up cruft, this will also be a good exercise for me to clean i
Thanks toRenaud Pacaletfor clarifications, I'am adding description of use cases to answer the question:What should be returned for"a'b(c|c)b'a","aaa"bbb"and similar? This script is forKatetext editor to be able to open links likeNotepad++orVimeditors do but in much mor...
(2) An edit session for this file crashed. If this is the case, use ":recover" or "vim -r hosts" to recover the changes (see ":help recovery"). If you did this already, delete the swap file ".hosts.swp" to avoid this message. "hosts" 8L, 269C Hit ENTER or ty...
To solve it, run this command to input your option: vmware-cmd /the/full/path/of/vmx answer vmware-cmd /the/full/path/of/vmx stop 2008 02/05 CATEGORY howto vmware Leave a comment vi configuration ~/.vimrc is the place to store vi start options. ...
Step 4Swap Now we need to swap our old regulatory file with our new one. While still in the wireless-regdb directory, just enter the command make. make You'll notice you have some new files now in that directory. This is good.
So to perform the above steps, check on the following: vim git add The file will be added to the staging, this can be confirmed by using git status command. $ git status On branch master Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. ...