It’s most likely that you added the PPA usingadd-apt-repositorycommand. You can use the same command to remove the PPA as well. Just give it--removeoption in the command. You need to know the exact PPA name here, of course. You can use the command in the following manner. sudo ad...
With that, you’ve installed Spicetify. If you are wondering, the first command restores the default Spotify theme, and the next two commands will delete the ‘spicetify’ folder under ‘C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Roaming’ and ‘C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local’ folders. Wrapping Up ...
Alternatively, you can install Font Manager application and manage fonts using a GUI application. This tool also allows you to delete an existing font. Please check yourdistribution’s package managerand see if Font Manager is available to install. On Ubuntu and Debian-based distributions, you can...
This apt command removes all the unnecessary packages that are not required anymore. This includes the older Linux kernel versions. In fact, this command is one of the best ways tomake free space on Ubuntu. The apt autoremove command deletes the older Linux kernel versions from Ubuntu As you...
Click on the desired partition and press the–to delete the partition. Step 5: Create root, swap and home Once you have some free space on your hard drive, its time to install Ubuntu on it. Now, there are several ways to do it. But I prefer to have a Root, aSwapand a Home. ...
Revert the changes and go back to dynamic IP If you don’t want to use the static IP address anymore, you can revert easily. If you have backed up the original yaml file, you can delete the new one and use the backup one.
It is understandable that you might want to uninstall Cinnamon. First, change back to GNOME or whichever desktop environment you use. Now, remove the Cinnamon package installed: sudo apt remove cinnamon If you used the PPA to install Cinnamon, you should alsodelete the PPAfrom your list of re...
It is understandable that you might want to uninstall Cinnamon. First, change back to GNOME or whichever desktop environment you use. Now, remove the Cinnamon package installed: sudo apt remove cinnamon If you used the PPA to install Cinnamon, you should alsodelete the PPAfrom your list of re...