3.Navigate theMicrosoft Edge WebView2 Runtimeitem under theUninstall or change a programarea, then right-click on it to selectUninstall. However, sometimes you will find that there has no Uninstall option but only Change, meaning you cannot remove Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime via Control Pa...
To clear the cache, navigate to the cache folder (WEF) and delete all files within that WEF folder. You can find the folder here: %localappdata%\microsoft\office\16.0\WEF If you want to clear the cache for an Outlook add-In, additionally clear he HubAppFileCache folder. You can ...
i want to use a VisualStudio.Extensibility extension for the out-of-process advantage instead of vssdk project. but maybe its not possible to embed WebView2 control in VisualStudio.Extensibility tool window? Visual Studio Extensions Visual Studio Extensions Visual Studio:A family of Microso...
is there any way to add option to "disable context menu"? CoreWebView2EnvironmentOptions options = new CoreWebView2EnvironmentOptions("--disk-cache-size=1"); var init = await CoreWebView2Environment.CreateAsync(null, localAppData + @"\EBWebView\Default\Cache", options); await _webView2C...
使用Microsoft Edge DevTools、Microsoft Visual Studio 或 Microsoft Visual Studio Code,對 WebView2 應用程式中的 Web 程式碼進行偵錯。 使用這些工具來偵錯 Web 程式碼和原生程式碼。WebView2 應用程式結合了最佳的 Web 和原生應用程式開發功能和工具。 當您開發 WebView2 應用程式時,您會藉由偵錯來測試應用...
in webview if anyone knows how to do it please let me know I have already asked a question in my profile please check that also there is no proper way or solution in uwp https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/1276496/i-am-working-with-uwp-webview-i-have-read-a-html-f...
Admins at these customers will need to take an additional step to enable the use of WebView2. They must create the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\WEF\Win32WebView2 and set its value to dword:00000001. Share Improve this answer Follow answered Oct ...
Using the VSTO project, I was able to implement the webview2 display on the CustomTaskPane. but in Exceldna project,it will make Error in await webView.EnsureCoreWebView2Async(webViewEnvironment); the whole MyCustomTaskPane code is below...
Hello: As I installed multiple Edge(Chrome) Add-ons, and some web sites are using Captchas to make web automation harder. I try to see if I can use WebView2 to connect with a running Edge browser, and run some JavaScript from it. I have done the…
If you’re using a Windows Runtime WebView control, you may want to return custom content when the page requests content from specific URIs. One scenario for this is that you want to block specific sites. Another scenario is that you have copied the contents of a site locally, and you ...