I use LawnChair as Launcher. It is imho nicer then the stock one and has more features and you can remove the search bar from home screen does lawn chair support dark mode in drawer panel? I tried tinkering but didn't help.1 2 You must log in or register to reply here...
To the right of the search bar, click on the three dots and select Delete activity by Select the date or time you wish to delete and hit delete. On your iPhone/iPad: Open the Gmail app. If you don't use Gmail, go to https://myaccount.google.com/) Click on Menu (three bars),...
When you delete any file from your Computer using the basic 'Shift+Delete keys,' it continues to stay on the hard drive, even after you empty it from the Recycle Bin. Thus, when you sell it to someone else, it allows them to recover and access files. There are many effective ways to...
Scroll down to My activity to see a full list of all activities linked to your Google account. You can then delete individual sites from your search history by clicking the X next to the item and selecting Delete. Or, you can click Delete activity by in the left panel, and either select...
Step 2. Click on the option of "Whiteout" and select the region you want to delete. Step 3. Now, press "Apply Changes," and you will move to the new interface. You can either click "Download" or save it to dropbox or Google Drive. That's all. The Bottom Line You may get into...
Click iTunes in the menu bar and choose Preferences. In the window that opens, go to the Devices tab. Select the backup you no longer need and click Delete Backup. Repeat the process for all old backups. 6. Move your photo library ...
Step 4: Tick the boxes in front of the files you want to delete from Google Drive. Step 5: Click “Delete” in the feature bar above. Delete Files in Google Drive through MultCloud Step 6: Click “Delete” again in the double check window. Then the files are successfully deleted from...
How to check if you’re indexed in Google If you want a rough idea of how many pages on your website Google has indexed, go to Google, search for site:yourwebsite.com and look at the number of results below the search bar.
The next time you open Safari, the browser will launch with all extensions and plugins inactive. To reconfigure the browser (and delete the problematic toolbar if you couldn't earlier), visitSafari > Preferencesagain. How to remove toolbars in Google Chrome ...
I did look in AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default and I have a "bookmarks" file. How do I recover them?"Similar to this scenario, it seems quite common for Chrome users to lose or delete essential bookmarks for various kinds of reasons. And quite many users may feel puzzled ...