You should be able to tap the gray X on the left side of the recording in Messages to delete an unsend audio message: * Record and review a message before sending: Tap to record, then tap it again to stop recording. Tap to review, then tap to send the recording or to cancel. Learn...
iMessage: How to delete “kept audio message” notification Hello, I noticed that after sending an audio message or digital touch message, a notification appears within the conversation thread that says “[Name] kept an audio message from you”. I can’t press and hold to delete this notif...
Important:This setting does not affect audio attachments that are created outside of Messages and then shared through Messages via iOS Share Sheet. Those are kept in the Messages database forever, or at least until you delete them manually. Note:Even if you set audio messages to expire after ...
Here is how to remove every iMessage from your Mac:Step 1. Click on the discussion you want to remove in Messages.Step 2. Delete the Conversation by selecting File from the Apple Menu bar.An alternative way is:Step 1. Right-click on the chat on the left side....
If your messages take up a lot of storage space, follow the instructions below to delete them. First, we will show how to delete an individual message from a conversation.
WhatsApp audio message is a great way to convey lengthy messages by speaking instead of typing. Many times, we have important audio messages stored in our WhatsApp. However, we may accidentally delete them while deleting other messages. Alternatively, a sudden device malfunction or app issue ...
etc. Sometimes, we may delete some important audio messages by mistake or lose them for unknown reasons. In such a case, it's necessary to get them back and I see some people looking for related ways. Are you also searching for methods to recover deleted or lost audio on your iPhone, ...
Part 1. How to Delete Videos on YouTube? YouTube has become an addictive platform for many people nowadays. It captivates the user's attention and collects data to recommend related content that is mainly tough for you to resist. Whether you watch YouTube feel entertained, or relax, just ...
In some regions, turning off Live Voicemail on an iPhone also turns off Voicemail altogether. Here’s how you can do this: Open Settings, scroll to the bottom, and tap on Apps. Locate and tap the Phone app. Next, tap on Live Voicemail. Finally, toggle off the Live Voicemail option. ...
Note that when you delete an iMessage app, it will also delete the associated app from your device's Home Screen. Open the Settings app. Scroll down and tap Messages. Tap iMessage Apps. Tap the red minus button next to an app, then tap the Delete button that appears. Apple has added...