Method 1: Securely Delete Files in Linux Using secure-delete Secure-delete is a tool for Linux secure delete file process. It allows you to securely delete files by overwriting the hard disk space containing them during deletion. There are four tools in the secure-delete set. In this section...
All these commands only work if you are in the specified files’ directory. However, you can put the file path as an argument to delete a file in another folder: rm dir/subdir/file.txt Since this command will permanently delete your files, add the-ioption to enable removal confirmation. ...
To delete a file, you need to use therm(remove) command and tell it what file or files you want it to delete. It has the following general syntax: rm[OPTIONS]FILENAMECode language:CSS(css) For example, to delete a single file namedfile.jpg, type the following in the command line: r...
/dev/sdb: calling ioclt to re-read partition table: Success If I had a GPT partition table then to clear the same # wipefs -a -t gpt -f /dev/sdb To clear all the partition tables # wipefs -a -f /dev/sdb You can also delete a partition table using the offset value as shown a...
Delete multiple files with a similar name or extension To delete multiplefiles that contain a certain keyword, you can use the command below: rm *file* This command will remove all files that contain the word “file” in them. To delete multiplefiles with the same extension, use the command...
Delete files and directories Now that you have created some files and directories, you can delete everything you've created so far. It can be easy to get disoriented in the terminal, which can have disastrous consequences. Use thepwdcommand to display exactly which part of the filesystem you...
Find Command to keepspecific fileand delete the rest All timermcommand with negation First and foremost, you need to enableextglobshell option. Otherwise, you may get the error“bash: !: event not found”. To enable this, pass the below command. ...
Delete a Partition in Linux using fdiskTo Delete partition first, we need to list out the available partitions and select the appropriate disk. For that, we can use the fdisk command to list out and delete the selected partition.If you don’t know what is fdisk read these short ...
$ ls -l filename -rwxrwxrwt... In the above output, the last bit ‘t’ is the sticky bit and if its value is t only then it is write protected. Otherwise, anyone can delete it. 2. Check Directory Permission Next, you need to have write access to the directory (its parent direct...
$lsdir3/ dir2 file3 $rmdir3/file3 $lsdir3/ dir2 To delete a directory and its contents, use the-ror-Roption withrm: $rm-rdir3/dir2/ $lsdir3 $ If you're dealing with an empty directory (such as my exampledir3, which had its contents removed), use the-dparameter to delete it...