To delete a SQL Server Agent job step log Execute sp_delete_jobsteplog using the name of the job that contains the job step log to be deleted. You can also specify the step ID or name, the size of the job step logs to be deleted, or the age of the job step logs to be deleted...
To delete a job To delete multiple jobs See Also This topic describes how to delete Microsoft SQL Server Agent jobs. To delete a job InObject Explorer,connect to an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine, and then expand that instance. ...
instead of deleting why dont u delimit and why u wantt to delete the jobs Former Member 2009 Jun 04 0 Kudos Hi, Easy Access -> OM -> Expert Mode -> Simple Maintenance -> PPOM_OLD -> Selct the position/job in ur organization -> Right click and Delete Assignment. Hop...
I need to delete a batch job or even better set it on hold. What is the transaction I can do this?Comments 13 Apr 2009 1:45 pm Guest Use SM37 13 Apr 2009 1:45 pm Guest SM37 - check it and shift F2 to delete. I have never found a way to hold them. Or copy the job...
How to print & delete job Howtocollectprintjob&CollectprintjobdeleteprintjobDeleteprintjob STEP1PutstaffIDcardonCardReader®istertoyouraccount;STEP2Click<Print>;STEP3Selectprintjobaccordingly;STEP4Click<Start>;Todeleteprintjob,gototheinterfaceofSTEP3: STEP5WaittillPrintjob...
[count].JobId,0,NULL, JOB_CONTROL_DELETE) ==0) { //cout << "... Deleted OK" << endl; ShowMessage( "... Deleted OK"); } else { //cout << "... Failed to Delete" << endl; ShowMessage("... Deleted OK"); } } free(pJobInfo);//free now } } //Finished with the ...
How to delete ALL jobs from sql server? How to delete data that not exists in another table? How to delete duplicate rows from temp table? How to delete last 6 months data using storedprocedure where table does'nt contains timestamp field How to delete or drop a cursor? How to delete ...
Delete the *.spl and *.shd files that show the approximate time and date of the print job causing the problem. They are in the %Winroot%\System32\Spool\Printers directory. NOTE: In some cases, Windows NT may not allow the *.spl file(s) to be deleted or renamed. ...
Good job! Deleting worksheets is one of the basic things Excel users should know. Now, you learned not only one but the three best methods of how to delete a sheet in Excel. Excel helps you organize your data in your sheets and workbooks. You only need to learn how to make Excel’...
Manually Delete Jobs Stuck in the Print Queue Sometimes a print job cannot be deleted from the print queue available in Devices and Printers. These stuck jobs prevent sending additional jobs to the printer, and may even remain after a system reboot. ...