-Use ‘DELETE’ icon to delete the row DATA TO INCLUDE Section: -Use SmartPrompt to select a class name, and provide the ‘when’ rule filter option and write a note to comment. -Add the multiple rule sets by click on the ‘PLUS’ icon as shown in the image. -Use ‘DELETE’ icon...
Creating Critical Path CSS manually can be a daunting task, but you can use a tool like Pegasaas to automate the process. By simply entering your site’s URL, you can access this code. Then, you can add this CSS inside the <head> section of your HTML. When done correctly, this will...
/// b. Ability to type dates or times into the DTP when set to null/// c. BackSpace and Delete keystrokes set the DTP to null/// 2. I added a ReadOnly Mode in which the UDTP hides itself and decorates a ReadOnly TextBox in its place/// a. By Decorating a TextBox we get ...