62、 在删除动态分配的内存空间后,将指向这片内存的指针设置为0,杜绝野指针; 63、 #define NDEBUG忽略所有assert; 64、 描述类的功能而不管其实现细节成为数据抽象,C++的类定义了抽象数据类型(ADT),其包含两个概念,即数据表达和可在数据上执行的操作; 65、 好的软件工程有两个几本原则:一是接口与实现的分离,...
#include <iomanip> #include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::endl; #define MY_PI 3.14159265358979323846 constexpr double my_pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884L; int main() { cout << std::setprecision(16) << MY_PI << endl; cout << std::setprecision(16) << my_pi << endl...
c application16 1 17software technologies22 1 18future of c open source boost libraries tr1 and c 0 x23 1 19software engineering case study introduction to object technology and the uml24 1 20wrap up28 1 21web resources29 2introduction to c programming39 2 1introduction40 2 2first program ...
There are 3 #define: MY_DATA 1: loads my matrices; 0:use the original values of pardiso_unsym_c.c USE_ONE_INDEX 1: adapts my matrix to one-indexed matrices; 0:uses the original index and put IPARM(35)=1 USE_PRECISION24 1: loads the 24digits precision; 0: uses the 12d...
它使用 C 標準數學庫中預定義的巨集表示式。該庫定義了多個常用的數學常量,如下表所示。M_PI巨集可以賦值給浮點變數,也可以在計算中作為文字值使用。注意,我們使用的是setprecision操縱器函式,它可以用來控制輸出數的顯示精度。 常數定義 M_E自然對數的底數 ...
I want to re-code the ancient game Hunt The Wumpus. Therefore I want to connect the rooms of the cave to a dodecahedronal graph with a room at each corner. Some idea, how I could write an algorithm which produces such a polyhedron?
cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n'); // <--- Requires header file <limits>.std::cout <<"\n\n Press Enter to continue: "; std::cin.get();return1; } std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2);// <--- Only needs done once.while(myFile...
Log4cplusgive the ability to print the thread-id of the worker that spawned the message: very useful to inspect threads. Below is an extract of my working config file: log4cplus_configure.ini ###Define log Levels###All classes - except those in log4cplus.logger.* - use DEBUG level...
# OBJ file created by ply_to_obj.c # g Object001 v -0.57735 -0.57735 0.57735 v 0.934172 0.356822 0 v 0.934172 -0.356822 0 v -0.934172 0.356822 0 v -0.934172 -0.356822 0 v 0 0.934172 0.356822 v 0 0.934172 -0.356822 v 0.356822 0 -0.934172 v -0.356822 0 -0.934172 v 0 -0.934172 -0.35...
So, first we need to include the libraries for theTFTtouch screen, the BY8001-16P MP3 Player and theDS3231Real Time Clock module, as well as, the library for the serial communication. Then we have to create the appropriate objects and define some variables needed for the program. ...