In AutoCAD, create the attributes, merge them in a block. In the ADMS Console, configure Vault to Index that specific block. This will update the FilterConfig.xml in folder "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\ADMS Professional [version]\Server\Components\". In the Vault ...
Being standards-based means that it can automate or semiautomate many tasks so that things stay standard. This is not just glorified AutoCAD styles either (although it does rely on styles). For example, you do not just create the layers but also map the objects that should go on these lay...
The example below shows the cove lighting fixture as a linetype with circles in it, in AutoCAD 2010 there is a Fenceline1 linetype that works nicely. You may have to adjust the linetype scale for those lines (in the example below the fenceline1 linetype scale was adjusted to .5 in it...
It creates a viewport sized the same as the view, and it even does its best to pre-scale it for you. You don’t use named views? No problem, it will let you define one on the fly (or define one that’s not in your current view list). Beside that tool are three other icons....
After trying out different platforms, you’ll likely have a short list of three to five LMSs. Ask these vendors to conduct a demonstration tailored to your specific use cases, but don’t forget to prepare in advance. Define the attendees for the demo. When choosing a learning management sys...
Open a Valve block to identify the scale to used for your new Iso Symbol. All blocks are scaled uniformly during Iso creation (you can set the scale in project setup). The block must be drawn such that its center point is at the origin (0,0). To decide what orientation to draw ...
Open a Valve block to identify the scale to used for your new Iso Symbol. All blocks are scaled uniformly during Iso creation (you can set the scale in project setup). The block must be drawn such that its center point is at the origin (0,0). To decide what orientation to draw it...
delete the shrub. Type SHAPE to insert the shape we just created. Type the shape name then [enter]. Press [enter] twice to accept the default value for scale and rotation. The same as you insert a block. Now, create a line type from the shape. Follow the steps in creating a simple...
To highlight the cells of this table, select the range. Go to the Home tab >> Conditional Formatting dropdown >> New Rule. In the New Formatting Rule dialog box, select the Format all cells based on their values option. Choose the Format Style as a 2-Color Scale (because we have a...
As a process, product design refers to the activities used to create a new product. This involves several stages, but generally begins with the identification of a problem to be solved. Designers will then define the objectives they wish to meet by creating their new product, and establish the...