In the case of a query like the SELECT statement we spoke about, being a key really means that the field is indexed so that the database can look it up quickly. So in phpMyAdmin you define the field to be indexed by viewing the table structure and clicking the index ico...
define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', 10);Limit post revisions in wp-config.php Or you can utilize a plugin like Perfmatters to limit revisions.Limit post revisions with Perfmatters plugin Disable RevisionsAnd last but not least, you can also disable revisions on your site altogether. If you’re ...
define a new one called admin and thanks to this, perform a check 'can the current user use the admin part?': by opening admin a validation code will then be fired, automatically, on each admin request. This makes things easy.LocationThe middleware is defined in the /app/Http/Kernel....
After MySQL database was installed, it would only allow "localhost" connection by default. Therefore, most server-side scripts program (e.g. phpMyAdmin) can easily connect with the local database in the same server. You could use Telnet or SSH program to manage yourremoteserverbecause it's ...
It is possible to definecustomerasunique. The error occurs when there is no unique constraint on a column available for a foreign key reference . Nevertheless, I highly advise using the primary key. Solution 2: The error is occurring due to the Foreign Key (REFERENCES)...
In the case of a query like the SELECT statement we spoke about, being a key really means that the field is indexed so that the database can look it up quickly. So in phpMyAdmin you define the field to be indexed by viewing the table structure and clicking the index ic...
define a new one called admin and thanks to this, perform a check 'can the current user use the admin part?': by opening admin a validation code will then be fired, automatically, on each admin request. This makes things easy.LocationThe middleware is defined in the /app/Http/Kernel....