MATLAB Online에서 열기 Do not change only the XTicks, but adjust the X-values also: x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5] y = rand(size(x)); subplot(1,2,1) plot(y) subplot(1,2,2) plot(x, y)% <== Use 2 inputs to define the x-values also ...
Adding axis labels in MATLAB is a simple process that can be done using thexlabelandylabelfunctions. These functions specify the text to be displayed along thex- and y-axesof the plot. Here is an example of how to add axis labels to a plot in MATLAB: x = 1:10; y = rand(1,10);...
Youyyaxisto assign an independent label to the right y-axis. Then link the two yaxes so that if properties of one change, the other axis will remain identical. Demo: % Create a demo uiaxes app.UIAxes = uiaxes(); % Define right axis label ...
Here is the code I used to project the original data to LD axis (in this quadratic discriminant).This is not vectorized.I am sure clever peoples will find very easy to improve the code below to improve speed. V = Mdl.Mu;% positions of the centers ...
axis('square') Sign in to comment. Accepted Answer VBBVon 22 Oct 2022 0 Link Edited:VBBVon 22 Oct 2022 Open in MATLAB Online Ran in: clc clearall %%Given Parameters for a GA Acrobatic Aircraft M = 2300; S = 19.33; C_Lmax = 2; ...
Open in MATLAB Online Ran in: I am trying to set the upper x-axis (ax2) tick values and locations: ThemeCopy x_a = linspace(71.8131,36.9931,10); y = linspace(0.16,1,10); x_b = linspace(0.0163,0.0069,10)./0.1016; figure; ax1 = axes; plot(ax1, x_a, y, 'k'); ...
that is part of Mapping Toolbox if this toolbox is available to you. There are a number of properties of map axes that you can control (including projection as well as longitude and latitude limits) that may be of use to you in creating this map graphic.
I think the best solution would be to do all of these things: Set the yticks to 0:50 Set the yticklabels to (0:50).^2 Take the sqrt of your data before plotting it 1 comentario Afonso Campos el 1 de Feb. de 2021 Tysm ^^ Iniciar sesión para comentar.Más...
Open in MATLAB Online Ran in: You can do something like this x = 1:10;%x data y = x + round(rand(1,length(x)),2);%random y data p = plot(x,y,'-o');%plot p.Parent.XAxisLocation ='top';%move the x axis to the top ...
The following example demonstrates how to display a matrix in a figure window. It creates a horizontal slider bar that can be used to scroll through the columns of the matrix. You can construct a similar scroll bar for scrolling through the rows of the matrix if this is necessary.