However, Titan Rune dungeons are also the perfect way to catch up on your gear. Every boss drops epic items, which means you can pump up your character in a matter of hours. But these dungeons are actually hard, which means you'll want the secret strategies and add-ons to make things...
The newly released expansion, Wrath of the Lich King Classic, brings a lot of new elements to players, one of which is a bit like the previous Burning Crusade. Specifically,the developers have added a lot of new dungeons in the new version of the game, and each dungeon has two ...
Once in Japhet's Folly, the Dragonborn will climb the main tower and defeat pirates until they reach the battlemage leader, Haldyn. The best way to fight him is to carefully sidestep his lightning attacks, and use weapons like the Staff of Magnus to drain him of magicka. Otherwise, he can...
if you're Alliance, this title is earned from completing the flame keeper Warden meta achievement during the mid-summer fire Festival. This achievement requires you to juggle torches, put out enemy bonfires, dance around ribbon poles and defeat Ahune, the frost Lord in...