You will find a tunnel here, the Raya Lucaria Crystal Mine. Complete this mine and defeat the boss, Crystalian, at the end. Defeating this boss will give you Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell Bearing 1, which unlocks Smithing Stone 1 and 2 for purchase. Just a small tip, since you will b...
Detailed below, as part of ourElden Ring guide, ishow to complete the Academy of Raya Lucaria. We've broken the guide down into a series of objectives to make it as easy to follow as possible. If you've already done a few things here but have gotten stuck, use the headers to work...
Fighting Banished Knights inElden Ringcan be a nightmare, but having one on your side can be a dream. Banished Knight Oleg can be found relatively early in the game, but acquiring him isn’t easy. You’ll need two Stonesword Keys for one thing, and you’ll have to defeat an Ulcerated...
Once youdefeat Godrick the Grafted(good luck!), you'll enter the Land Between's second major area:Liurnia of the Lakes. To find Iji, you need to travel all the way to thenorthwest regionof the lake. When you come up to shore, you'll find theKingsgrave Ruins. There are a bunch o...