There is a good chance that you have experiencedwork overloadif this sounds remotely familiar to you. And, since the American Institute of Stress estimates that80% of workers struggle with work-related stress, you’re not alone. In addition, nearly half of them say they need support to cope...
In America, we have just as many deaths from work stress, but we don’t hear about it because we don’t keep track of it in the same way. In other words, many Americans are literally “working themselves to death” and nobody is doing anything about it because we don’t have the ...
12 Tips to Take the Stress Out of Business Travel Avoid Zoom Burnout With These Tips In partnership with,presents the b. newsletter: Building Better Businesses Insights on business strategy and culture, right to your inbox. Part of the network. ...
But if you're spending most of your time at work,your home life will likely pay the price.Consider the pros and cons of working extra hours on your work-life balance: ●Fatigue.Your ability to think and your eye-hand coordination decrease when you're tired.This means you...
Creating a positive organizational culture that emphasizes open communication and support can also help reduce stress. According to Schein (2010), when employees feel valued and heard, their stress levels decrease, leading to higher motivation and productivity. However, organizational interventions can ...
Some people can sell anything.If you are not one of those people, you may find yourself feeling tired, overwhelmed, and maybe even a bit scared at the prospect of reaching out to new customers. Overwhelming responsibilities and worries, including stress and burnout from personal commitments, can...
Irving & Carr, 2001, p.45). These numbers are staggering simply because implementing new technologies in the workplace are usually intended to decrease the workload and stress of the employees, not increase it. The most apparent problem that employees have with new technology is that...
Exercise has been shown to increase happiness and decrease stress levels.One studyshowed the cause for this link may be related to a neuropeptide called galanin. Neuropeptides are small molecules that our neurons use to communicate with each other. ...
Stress is generally tied to a life event. Examples include arguing with a loved one, moving across the country, or handling an important project at work. If you’re experiencing stress, then these stressors go away once they are no longer a part of your life – the conflict is resolved,...
Finally, you can eliminate stress by focusing on onegoalat a time. If your interests, time and energy, and split between too many things, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and fall behind which can only lead to more stress. Stop trying to do everything and prioritize your tasks and goals....