DECLARE @Random NVARCHAR(10);--To store 4 digit random number DECLARE @Final NVARCHAR(MAX)--Final unique random number DECLARE @Upper INT; DECLARE @Lower INT This will create a random number between 1 and 9999 SET @Lower = 1 The lowest random number SET @Upper = 9999 The highest random...
In SQL Server there is a built-in function RAND() to generate random number. RAND() will return a random float value between 0 to 1. Usage RAND() As It Is If you use RAND() as it is or by seeding it, you will get random numbers in decimals ranging between 0 and 1. 1 2 3 ...
1 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DECLARE newguid VARCHAR(36)' at line 1 SQL1.sql 4 1 I tried using this syntax also: DECLARE @newguid VARCHAR(36); ...
The FORMAT function was introduced in SQL Server 2012. This is the most flexible and straightforward way to format numbers using patterns and culture settings. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DECLARE@NumberNumeric(14,5) = 78587547.3489; SELECT@Number, FORMAT(@Number,'N','en-US')as'US English', FORMAT(...
All MonthNames and Month numbers in sql server All queries combined using a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator must have an equal number of expressions in their target lists. all the events in the workload were ignored due to syntax errors.the most common reason for the error would be d...
For information about how to use scripting variables -- on the command line and in SQL Server Management Studio, see the -- "Executing Replication Scripts" section in the topic -- "Programming Replication Using System Stored Procedures". -- Execute this batch at the Subscriber. DECLARE @...
For more information, see How to: Reinitialize a Subscription (Replication Transact-SQL Programming). Example In this transactional replication example, the DaysToManufacture column is removed from an article based on the Product table. Copy DECLARE @publication AS sysname; DECLARE @table AS ...
Customize the trace by adding the events that you want to trace. For the list of events and columns, see sp_trace_setevent (Transact-SQL). The following code creates a trace, adds events to the trace, and then starts the trace: Copy DECLARE @RC int, @TraceID int, @on BIT EXEC @...
This function is mainly designed for preparing delimited SQL identifiers, which is why it only accepts the type sysname, which is nvarchar(128) in SQL Server. You can also use this function to prepare delimited SQL literal strings, but because of the argument length re...
Since you're already using dynamic SQL, you can directly pass the value to the SQL command: ALTER PROCEDURE spGetList @ID INT AS --DECLARE @ID INT DECLARE @Query VARCHAR(500) IF object_ID('tempdb..#TempTable') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #TempTable ...