It seems to be related to the MOS note 1399110.1. PL/SQL Package Created In 10g From Java Application Is Invalid due to CR character (Doc ID 1399110.1) ... A Java JDBC application reads a text file containing PL/SQL code and submits it to a database version 10g ( database ...
/* jobno is a bind variable you need to declare before running this block*/ /* SYSDATE + 1/18000 makes the job run after every 5 seconds */ DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT (:jobno,'P_SCHEDULE;', SYSDATE, 'SYSDATE+1/18000'); end; / /* Procedure should run in INTERNAL/SYS/SYSTEM in order to ...
The cursor..For loop approach for the update was calculated to take 53.7 years to complete! We institued the Insert into a dummy table append with nologging, and were able to complete the "update" in under 30 minutes. With nologging, if the system aborts, you simply re-run the 'update...
end Where_Clause; begin DBMS_Output.Put_Line(Stmt); declare nc integer := DBMS_Sql.Open_Cursor(Security_Level=>2); rc Sys_Refcursor; Dummy number; begin DBMS_Sql.Parse(nc, Stmt, DBMS_Sql.Native); for j in 1..Cols.Count() loop if Cols(j).Val is not null then DBMS_Sql.B...