In Delphi, the versatile web-programming language,arraysallow a developer to refer to a series of variables by the same name and to use a number—an index—to tell them apart. In most scenarios, you declare an array as a variable, which allows for array elements to be changed at run-ti...
Can a struct contain an array of unknown size until runtime? Can I call a .NET dll from unmanaged C++ Or Delphi code without registering the .NET COM object Can I Load Animated Gif into Dialog Box for MFC Application? Can I target Windows 7 while using SDK 10.0.15063.0? can no longer...
For example, for our main program form to receive the messages use: DragAcceptFiles(Form1.Handle, True); Listing 2 Handle the WM_DROPFILES message. In Delphi we can declare a message handler for this event in the main form's class declaration: procedure WMDropFiles(var Msg: TWMDropFiles);...
As before we assume that we have a Delphi VCL application that will use it's main form to receive notifications of clipboard changes. Here's an outline of the required code. To register the main form window as a clipboard viewer we call theSetClipboardViewerAPI function in the application'sF...
Since this function was added in Vista, it won't be declared in the library units that shipped with Delphi 7. So you'd need to declare it yourself. type KNOWNFOLDERID = TGuid; function SHGetKnownFolderPath( const rfid: KNOWNFOLDERID; dwFlags: DWORD; hToken: THandle; out ppszPath: PWide...
Windows then calls the methods of our implementation of IDropTarget to notify us of drag drop events. If we accept a dropped object, Windows makes the dropped object's data available via an object that supports the IDataObject interface. This object can provide the data in one or more data ...
2 How do I find a specific record by field in an array of records 1 Can I search for particular values within a List<T>? 1 Custom search in Generic List 2 search a Generic list 5 generic TList of records with a sub list? 3 How to Declare and use a Gene...
Normally, in Delphi one would declare a function with a variable number of arguments using the'array of const'method. However, for compatibility with code written in C, there's an much-unknown 'varargs' directive that can be added to a function declaration (I learned this while reading Rudy...
bgracanvas2d.pas(1135,46) Error: Incompatible type for arg no. 1: Got “{Open} Array Of TPointF”, expected “{Open} Array Of TPointF” bgrapen.pas(761,10) Hint: Found declaration: ComputeWidePolylinePoints(const {Open} Array Of TPointF;Single;TBGRAPixel;TFPPenEndCap;TFPPenJoinStyle...
I'm translating some legacy stuff from another language to Delphi/Pascal. It has several arrays of variable sizes. I can't figure out how the function is declared. Codewise, I have Code: type CustomTable = record m_kind: integer; m_value: integer; m_name: array[1..16] of char; ...