Yes, every major that you choose will ultimately have some downsides and disadvantages. The only thing you can do is to be aware of them and to make sure that you can handle when they decide to pop up. Determine how likely you’ll be to switch majors. As we’ve seen before, many st...
How to Decide is going to offer you a framework for thinking about how to improve your decisions as well as a set of tools for executing on that framework. So what makes for a good decision tool? A tool is a device or implement used to carry out a particular function. A hammer is...
It’s time to decide which college you want to attend. Here are some factors to compare and contrast colleges so you can make the right decision for you.
She sees my talent and pushes me to do the best I possibly can. As I was growing up, we were often on the move. I had to admit that moving so often made me feel lonely. But my mother did everything she could to help me feel happy. In fact, so much traveling was really a goo...
Note thatthere may or may not be a very clear link between a certain major and a certain job or industry.For some majors, it's fairly clear what sort of job(s) the degree will lead to. A degree in teaching will lead to teaching, a degree in nursing to nursing, and so on. For ...
Choosing a major largely depends on a combination of your interest and passion for a subject and your ability and potential to excel. These two aspects often go hand-in-hand and play a pivotal role in your performance in the area you decide to pursue. Sometimes you have to spend ...
High school students across the country are beginning their college search. But finding the right school for you can be a long process. There are so many factors ranging from location to scholarship money, majors, athletics, and everything in between. The most important thing is choosing a col...
How Do I Transfer Credits Between Universities? There are several important considerations when transferring credits from one school to another. The earlier you decide to transfer to a university in the United States, the better. That’s because not all of your credits are guaranteed to tran...
“That's a source of tension as well as a compliment — to the degree that he's generating all this music and others want to play it, and suddenly he feels like he has to decide whether to give you a song or not give you a song. Those are interesting dynamics to put in the ...
or nearly 41 years ago.It's the format still near and dear to my heart: A traditional salary-cap draft of players within the constraints of a $260 budget, "only" leagues -- this means a player pool drawn from only those within the American or National Leagues, but not both -- and ...