1. RFC destination中指定的User ID必须是具有debug权限的dialog帐号 2. 被调用系统中必须设定debug user ID 为RFC destination中指定的user ID, 且该User ID必须是具有debug权限的dialog用户 3. 断点类型必须为外部断点
Additional Blogs by SAP SAP如何debug远程调用的函数模块 (SAP: How to debug RFC) former_member218277 Active Participant 2013 Oct 15 8:19 AM 51 Kudos 9,500 很多ABAP的初学者在debug程序的时候经常会遇到一个问题,那就是RFC的function module的debug问题,例如,A系统的程序中通过RFC调用了B系统...
Please note that your current selection in the debug view is relevant. In Eclipse these kind of actions always refer to the debug entity that is currently selected in the debug view. Debug for a different user If you have to debug the process of a different user then you can use the sam...
if you could not find any entry, please check whether you have marked Block Sending in your debugger setting. Once "Debug LUW" is clicked, a new debugger will pop up. Now you can debug the workflow execution. Once you finished debugging, you can go back to SWI1 and three background st...
SAP Managed Tags: Utilities, ABAP Development We can approach two ways for debug a Form: 1. In SE71 Enter your Form name and go to Utilities-->activate debugger .. then Execute the print program .. it will be go to debugging mode.. 2.We have an another approach to debug a Form ...
You have to have SAPGUI installed on your desktop where your Visual Studio is running. When debugging a SAPGUI session must be active since SAPGUI is not started automatically as part of the debug process. NetWeaver 2004 and later How To section ...
A se80 debug session will open. 6. Change variable W_EXIT to 'E'. 7. Step thru (F6) until ZWBTEST comes up. *&---* *& Report ZDEBUGBG * *& * *&---* *& * *& * *&---
SAP Managed Tags: SAPUI5 SAPUI5 Programming Tool View products (1) Hi, I created one custom SAP Fiori application in SAP Web IDE but I am unable to debug the application.. please help me how to debug the application..? Know the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. Answer...
SAP Managed Tags: NW ABAP Print and Output Management Hi , I set a break point in the requirement routine. and started debugging , running the application. now when the debugging starts i want the cursor to go directly to that break point in the requirement routine. What should i press ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi , i have following code : CALL FUNCTION 'ZSD_t_UPDATE' IN UPDATE TASK TABLES it_xvbkd = xvbkd. Inside this function module i have some code to debug . How can i debug it ? I put the breakpoint in it but its not working . It is triggered...