gopls: Unable to build on vscode #35531 (closed) x/tools/gopls: invalid errors when using "pkgm" VS Code snippet #39296 (closed) x/tools/gopls: compilation error pop-up #41140 (closed) (Emoji vote if this was helpful or unhelpful; more detailed feedback welcome in this discuss...
I have this setup where I open ~/src in VSCode and inside it want to work on multiple Go projects. Can I somehow make VSCode-Go happy with this arrangement? So i.e. I have inside cli/safari which is a Go CLI I want to hack on. I am willing to add any config files or anything...
#build stageFROMgolang:alpineASbuilderWORKDIR/go/src/appCOPY. .RUNapk add --no-cache git# RUN go-wrapper download # "go get -d -v ./..."# RUN go-wrapper install # "go install -v ./..."RUNgo install -v ./...#final stageFROMalpine:latestRUNapk --no-cache add ca-certificates...
The output program will be available in `build/bin/bootnode`. ## Debugging ### IDE Debugging If you’re using Visual Studio Code, you can rename the [.vscode/launch.example.json]( file to .vscode/launch.jso...