All of the UI code of a Fiori app is put into Component-preload.js. As you can see in the developer tool in the browser (by pressing F12 in the browser). You might be interested in "Browser Debugging for ABAP Developers" In order to debug the UI code, we need to trigger the debug...
WebIDE's home is in the SAPUI5 Developer Center although often used to extend Fiori apps or create custom Fiori-like apps. Please go to the SAPUI5 DC Overview page and look over the WebIDE landing page (link should be there) where you will likely find a lot of useful suggestions on ...
It is also possible to modify the application's title or slogan. 4 - Select the look & feel of the app Once you are satisfied with the entities defined, select the look & feel of the application. You may choose between Work With Plus, K2B Tools, Fiori, and Unanimo. ...
Hi All, The purpose of this document is to provide the concrete steps for connecting to SAP Hana Trial Instance on the cloud from your java program through JDBC.
第一种方式: 把C4C系统嵌入呼叫中心系统的iframe中,这里必须是整个Fiori风格的C4C系统,而不是其中某个页面。在iframe中可以执行C4C业务数据的操作。 第二种方式: 呼叫中心系统在接收到外部电话时,如果需要访问C4C系统来确认来电客户的详细信息,可以在来电时调用C4C系统标准的API通过电话号码查询客户信息,这需要一些...
"Error in app component <case-sensitive app ID>: No descriptor was found". If the error cannot be resolved, create a customer ticket with CA-UI5-ABA-AIDX. Enable asynchronous module loading: In a central Fiori launchpad ("Work Zone") scenario: refer to How to Fix "String as JavaScrip...
Fiori Launchpad https://vhcalnplci:44300/sap/bc/ui2/flp?sap-client=001&sap-language=EN#Shell-home http://vhcalnplci:8000//sap/bc/ui2/flp SE80 Windows are Resized screencapture-se80-co-uk-training-education-se80-window-resizeDownload ...
Ensure that no debug mode,sap-ui-debug,sap-ui-xx-componentPreloadorsap-ui-xx-libraryPreloadFiles How to make UI5 content compatible with the FLP setting "Asynchronous Module Loading" and CSP? If you can control the bootstrap config, ensure that the initial HTML document of the launchpad...
[boolean] [default: false] --debug, --Debug Debug hana-cli itself by adding output of LOTS of intermediate details [boolean] [default: false] Options: -u, --user, --User User -p, --password, --Password Password -c, --create, --Create Set this parameter to false to reuse an ...
I have used print screens mainly from the GUI to help users to compare the functionality, but mostly the Fiori apps are quite similar. A lot of the ECC6 functionality is still available in S/4HANA in the SAP GUI; sometimes transactions are enhanced and easily recognized and both the old...