Getting hit by your toddler can be frustrating, embarrassing, and infuriating. For some parents, it brings a sense of shame and desperation. They worry that theirtoddler's aggressionsignals that they've somehow failed as a parent. But most toddlers hit at one time or another. The way you r...
parents who react calmly and consistently to their toddler's outbursts help their child understand where the boundaries are, which can help the child feel more protected and in control.
Of note, Dr. Weber says that it's also common for kids to develop terrible two behaviors after they turn 3. This can be an unwelcome surprise to parents who thought they were well and done with this phase. "When it manifests a bit later, it is often due to the demands oftoileting,...
Limited impulse control.A toddler may understand rules about not hitting, but struggle to stop themself from hitting orbitingwhen they're feeling frustrated. The ability to control those impulses may not fully develop until they're close to 4 years old, with support from loving parents and caregi...
4. Stop your toddler from hitting or biting If your toddler hits, kicks, or bites you during a tantrum, you should address it clearly but with empathy. Try a strategy called“connection, then correction.”This may be as simple as putting a hand over theirs and saying, “I can ...
If at all possible, bring your toddler with you to make amends with the other child. See if the other child is okay and help your child apologize for hitting. Toddlers are not yet capable of empathy and will not be able to imagine how the other child feels. Still, if you practice ...
When a baby cries, parents automatically question whether the baby is dry, hungry, too hot, or too cold. Why does this inclination suddenly stop once they become a toddler? When a tantrum or meltdown is occurring, ask yourself: Could they be hungry? Are they wet? Is it close to a...
This can be unbelievably irritating, but pushing limits is actually healthy, normal toddler behavior, for one-, two-, and three-year-olds. As parents, we know what to do when our kids are being angels — hug them, kiss them, praise them,relishthe moment, etc. But what about...
If your child hits another child, and then you go and hit/spank your child for hitting, it may be perceived to the child as very confusing. I’m not saying it is to us. What I am saying is that you want to think about these things and discuss them with your spouse. Each family ...
One of the not-so-fun duties of our leadership is handling our children’s age-appropriate resistance and defiance. In my work with parents and toddlers, I give a lot of thought to figuring out how parents can approach this challenge more easily and effectively. One of the best t...