“No one is immune to the disease of addiction,” warns Katherine Ketcham, the coauthor of thirteen books, including Teens Under the Influence: The Truth About Kids, Alcohol, and Other Drugs – How to Recognize the Problem and What to Do About It and the bestselling classic Under the In...
drugs and vaping. As part of our research, schools frequently tell us they do not have the tools and strategies to deal with the vaping crisis. In previous years, schools were most likely to seek our help for alcohol or cannabis. Now, it ...
Reach out now We can help answer your questions and talk through any concerns. 352-771-2700 The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with a substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, tre...
If you’re an older child or teenager, aim for getting at least 8-10 hours of sleep every night. If you’re younger than 10 years old, then try to get at least 9-12 hours of sleep.[15] Dimitriu suggests that you get out of bed if you aren’t able to fall asleep within 20 ...