People struggling withpersonality disorders—narcissistic, borderline, anti-social—are really quite fragile at their core. Winning. Being right. Having control. These are desperate maneuvers. But everyday maneuvers for these folks. To be in a relationship with a truly impaired person is a...
If work becomes so problematic that you can no longer deal with the environment because you find your health or ability to function becoming severely impaired, you may have to look at alternatives. This is the sad reality for many people, but it will not harm you in any way to have your...
If you have a narcissistic lover, friend, coworker, or family member, the relationship might impact you deeply. If this is the case, you need to take action as soon as possible. Here are several tips to help you deal with the narcissist in your life. 7 Tips For Dealing With a Narc...
It is important to keep in mind that underneath all that, people with NPD (narcissistic personality disorder) struggle with feelings of emptiness and never feel “good enough” because they are continually comparing themselves with those around them, and finding (secretly; they would never admit th...
Tips for Responding to a Narcissist First and foremost, it’s important to understand that people with NPD thrive on drama and manipulation. A narcissistic person uses attention-seeking behavior to get what they want, and has zero qualms about using the people in their lives. Learning how to ...
1. Avoid toxic people I believe the best way to deal with toxic people is to not deal with them at all; to avoid them. In some cases it may not be an option, but more often than not, it is. This is why I encourage you to really think about the options you truly have with eve...
Being narcissistic is a normal part of teenage life, but sometimes it can lead to another extent. Here are some ways through which you can help and cope up with your daughter during this phase of her life.
I will always come to you with information or grapevine gossip that you may not hear but need to know. I will always come to you with several options when a problem arises. Many bad, difficult, overbearing, “nightmare bosses” are extremely insecure and have bullied people all of their li...
On the other hand, people with borderline personality disorder are hyper-sensitive when it comes to the mood and feelings of their loved ones. They can sense the subtle change of mood before the person having them would be able to recognize it.It is all good, but sometimes people like t...
No one likes to deal with abrasive people. Not only are they harsh and unpleasant, but they can create so much negativity that it’s hard to restore your internal harmony. Perhaps you have a friend in your larger social circle who seems intent on spoiling every occasion when you all g...