Research shows that the supply and demand for talent in some industries have been affected by COVID-19. The pandemic could also affect what people want to pursue as a career, and the choice of major which students choose to pursue at universities. How is it going to affect job seeke...
Pandemic control measures can instantly affect small private businesses, as they often don't have a large capital pool. But business owners in Beijing are combining online and offline channels to stay in touch with customers during lockdowns, and eventually survive the situatio...
long Covid aftermath after COVID-19 WHO官网上说10%-20%感染过COVID的人会持续各种不适症状相当长一段时间,所以又叫做 long Covid. 从词汇角度而言,我最喜欢第一种说法:post-Covid conditions. 后遗症的正式英文是sequela,读音是 /sɪˈkwiːlə...
On March 10, 2020, Xi visited a residential community in Wuhan. On that day, the daily number of new confirmed cases on the mainland dropped to 24, but Wuhan still had 14,514 COVID-19 patients. The task of containment remained arduous. Walking between apartment blocks, Xi looked up and ...
how to deal with covid19英语作文 In order to keep away from COVID-19 for the physical health of ourselves and our families, I would like to give the following tips: 1. Do not go to places where people gather or to cities where there is an epidemic situation. Try to reduce the ...
The United States and China—the world’s two largest economies have profound differences when it comes to their political systems, societies, values, and principles. The way they’ve chosen to fight the coronavirus pandemic over the last year reflects those differences....
Currently, the whole world is still suffering from the COVID-19 (variants) pandemic that has been lasting for over three years and resulted in countless losses. Since its outbreak at the end of 2019, China has first suffered, but quickly gained the upper hand through strict epidemic control ...
How to disinfect your home if there is positive COVID-19 case in your family? Here are the 10 most commonly asked questions. Q: What should I do in this situation? A: Keep good ventilation and disinfect key areas such a...
The country countered the outbreak with its dynamic zero-COVID policy. Apart from treating the patients, mass nucleic acid tests were carried out to detect hidden infections as early as possible. On the other hand, tight restrictions on traveling were implemented to cut the spread of the virus...
Lin, whose clients are mostly from China, India and Canada, says so far he hasn't seen anything that would stop families from wanting to apply to U.S. universities. "Students still want to study in the U.S. and the coronavirus issue isn't changing anyone's long-term goals," Lin...