Dealing With Difficult Coworkers FAQ References Sign Up For More Advice and Jobs How to Deal with a Difficult Coworker Do some self-reflecting. While the issues you face with difficult people usually say more about them than about you, it’s a good idea to understand why you’re having a...
If you seem to be the sole target, find out why. Don’t let the situation drag on. Act quickly to deal with it before it gets worse. Don’t resort to angry emails or gossiping about your nemesis. Don’t confront her in front of others. Meet privately with the co-worker. Rehearse ...
Throughout your career, you'll probably butt heads with your co-workers from time to time. Even if you aren't directly involved in a confrontation witha colleague, you might witness heated arguments between your peers, or work in close proximity to co-workers who fly off the handle too qu...
Bond with your other coworkers. What should you not tell your coworkers? Don't tell a coworker, 'You people are always causing problems'Topics like religion, politics, and child-rearing sometimes come up in the workplace, Randall says. But to negatively comment about any group is unwise a...
No matter where you’re currently employed, you likely have to deal with a few difficult co-workers on a regular basis. Whether these people test your nerves by being publicly hostile, gossiping behind your back, or being stubborn and unyielding to new ideas, they’re enough to make you wa...
Difficult people come in every conceivable variety. Some talk constantly and never listen. Others must always have the last word. Some coworkers fail to keep commitments. Others criticize anything that they did not create. Difficult coworkers compete with you for power, privilege, and the spotligh...
“Coworkers can definitely interrupt bullying in the moment,” she says. “If you are in a boardroom where somebody is being treated unfairly and they feel uncomfortable because of the treatment that they’re receiving, being able to stand up for that person or correct it in the moment is...
If you have a narcissistic lover, friend, coworker, or family member, the relationship might impact you deeply. If this is the case, you need to take action as soon as possible. Here are several tips to help you deal with the narcissist in your life. 7 Tips For Dealing With a Narci...
a position or department that provides a better fit or terminate the employee. Regardless of which tactic you choose,make sure theproblem behaviors are well-documentedso that you can rely on facts, not rumors. Take care to discourage other employees from gossiping while you deal with the ...
Although neurotic coworkers might have good intentions, they often appear to create stress where none exists. Workplace neurosis stems from an underlying fear of disappointing colleagues and failing to meet expectations, according to a 2013 study publish