Fasting has been present throughout human history and is a regular practice in many cultures and religions. Currently, findings regarding beneficial effects of fasting on body mass control and health...Fernanda M. CerqueiraBen-Gurion University of the Negev...
Pimples are a pain, but they're something we all have to deal with once in a while. ©iStockphoto/Klubovy Of all the changes in store for a pubescent girl, acne may be the only one that doesn't serve some greater purpose. Acne blemishes are caused by the blocking and inflam...
First, intermittent fastingresults in lowered levelsof oxidative stress to cells throughout the body. Second, fastingimprovesyour body’s ability to deal with stress at a cellular level. It activates cellular stress response pathways similar to very mild stressors, acting as a mild stimulant for yo...
In some fitness circles,intermittent fastingis touted as being a healthier way to eat. However, when you eat fewer meals, it’s harder to overeat (meta-analysis). Most people are overweight, so making it harder for them to gain even more weight improves their health. That seems to explain...
Researchhas found that adding more fatty acids from fish or fish oil can help in treating depression. It’s also recommended to try eating on a regular basis so you can avoid irritability from hunger. Beyond incorporating healthier foods that can help with depression, you should limit substances...
If you have been high due to an illness, stress or surgery and have gradually upped your insulin to deal with it be prepared for low blood sugars when you recover. Girls and women often go high just before their period starts. Remember your flu jag each autumn. It could spare a lot ...
Stress leads to the release of stress hormones that can interfere with our normal hunger and fullness levels and cause water retention, inflammation, and weight gain. It is important to take care of yourself, ask for help when needed, and do activities you enjoy regularly. ...
The foundation of consistent fat loss begins with establishing a regular meal pattern. You may have heard different opinions on how to lose weight—some people swear by low-carb diets, while others believe that intermittent fasting is the way to go. ...
There is a difference between having the physical feelings of hunger and the mental and emotional feelings of craving something. If you are hungry and it’s not close to mealtime, you should probably eat something. (Related: Beat your sugar cravings once and for all: Five unconventional solutio...
Note from Chase: Ross is one of the members of the new Girls Chase forums. He's one of the posters who emerged early on as a guy with clearly a good handle on dating and seduction, meting out solid advice to posters in need. He expressed interest in writ