But if dementia is not an issue and a senior is just plain crass, how do you deal with swearing and rudeness? You can try to set firm ground rules for them. Make it perfectly clear that you will not tolerate such language, especially in public settings. A little bit of guilt may be...
One of them, striking mainly elderly people, is dementia caused by neurodegenerative brain disease. Its course is chronic and progressive. Dementia is characterized by memory loss, changes in conduct and personality, getting lost in familiar places, being unable to deal autonomously with everyday ...
If your loved one has Alzheimer's or another form of dementia, you may be wondering how to cope with swearing and other bad or foul language; words that can be shocking when they come from the mouth of a family member or friend who has never spoken like that. Let's take a look at ...
we can lose close friends, and we can grow discontent or disillusioned with our various social groups.Literallyanythingthat we rely on as a crutch to avoid being lonely or alone can vanish in an instant.This is a reality that most of us prefer to avoid, but loneliness throws this harsh re...
“Even if you were repeatedly hurt and betrayed, try to find it in you to forgive a sibling. If nothing else, forgiveness is good for you.” You could talk to a close family member and explain what you have been going through. If this sounds too delicate, consider speaking to a suppor...
I'm so sure growing up there weren't separate meals prepared for each member of the family in your house. Mine either. In this type of situation a person with dementia is very similar to a little kid. You don't ask them what they want for breakfast...
An alcohol addict who can see the consequences of their drinking through losing a job, losing their driving license, or needing to drink every day, may be more open to accepting help If alcoholism is severe,problems with thinking and reasoning caused by alcohol-related dementia prevent the alco...
tricky. This is because distrusting people more than usual can be a sign of many different mental health problems, and some people with dementia also have it. Another challenge is that people who are paranoid might be scared to go to the doctor or hospital because they worry they might get...
Dementia is an often overlooked condition that also shares similarities with the midlife crisis. The Alzheimer’s Society reports that5% of cases begin before the age of 65. People with dementia tend to experience confusion, trouble planning and thinking ahead, and daydreaming. They can be easily...
Except here, the baker and the butcher are geriatric nurses and specialists trained to deal with the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, which can manifest themselves as disorientation and occasionally aggressive behaviour. There are a handful of such places scattered round the world, thou...