If you are getting collection calls for any unpaid debt that you owe, the best way to handle them is to speak to the collector and find out everything you can find out about that debt. Make sure the debt is your debt. Make sure the amount is something you remember that you failed ...
The agency then builds a comprehensive dispute strategy, often combining direct challenges to the debt collector with formal complaints to regulatory bodies. Their experts can draft dispute letters for you and handle all communication with debt collectors, which removes the burden from you while ensurin...
deceptive and abusive debt collection tactics. However, even though this law has been around since the 1970’s, some collectors try to “push the envelope” or even ignore the law all together.
When dealing with a debt collector, don’t rush to pay or promise to pay. Instead, check the facts, know your rights around communication and report violations.
Here’s everything you need to know about debt collection agencies and how they might serve your business. What is a collection agency? Debt collection agencies may be brought in if a businessfailed to collectan outstanding debt, typically after a 90-day past-due invoice. The lender or credi...
In this article, we’re going to show you how to deal with a debt collection agency – and those nasty debt collectors that come calling at all hours, contacting your friends and relatives, and are generally harassing you. Read on to find out more about your legal rights in this situation...
It can cut your debt in half, but it will nuke your credit. You have probably heard about all of these strategies before. But which should you use? There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to that question. You are the expert on your finances Ignore “experts” who tell you which ...
Don't use Bad Debt. That isn't the condition for you. This is not a Write off; it is awaiting collection. Create an Other Charge Type item linked to an Other Asset account named for Collections. Use this on a Credit Memo and apply it to the open invoice(s)...
Legally, a debt collector must provide this information on the first contact or within five days of the first contact.2Make sure to get as much information about the caller as possible while avoiding answering any questions or giving out information about yourself. It's always wise to avoid di...
Contact the debtor’s employer about overdue child support and alimony, federalstudent loans, or taxes1 What Does a Collection Agency Do to You? A collection agency can sue you for the debt you owe. If the debt collector wins the lawsuit, it also can get a court order to take money fro...