How to deal with anger?Is there someone you hate? Well, maybe you don't really hate them. But you get really angry every time you think of them. If you don't let this anger go, it can be 1._(turn)into bitterness(痛苦).Bitterness appears when we can't forgive someone 2.has ...
“Holding on toangeris like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.”This familiar expression is one of the best analogies in describing an uncomfortable emotion – bitterness. So how do you deal with bitter people that you come across in your life?
Now King wasn’t Socrates—some accounts say he sometimes took it out on people around him (who absolutely did nothing wrong) but King always reminded himself to let go of bitterness, and that anger is only the start of a process in which forgiveness, redemption and love followed. Angerisn...
upallofthebitternessandangerinherheart. Finally,thebattlewaswon,andshewasabletoforgivehim.Itwasonly asGodliftedtheburdenofhersinsthatsherealizedthefulldepthofHis loveforher.SheexperiencedtheblessingofGodinatotallynewway— justasJesushadsaid,“Forifyouforgiveotherpeoplewhentheysin againstyou,yourheavenlyFather...
It is always important to be open and discuss the issue with them when people hurt you. That is how you keep the lines of communication open and prevent bitterness and resentment in relationships. But, also pick your battles. This person may have hurt you, but was it an honest mistake, ...
Find out how to let go of anger and let in tranquility. Simple techniques, exercises and guidance on letting go of anger, avoiding it, and getting rid of it.
You might not have seen the warning signs and feel personal fault in not seeing these signs so you could react sooner. Being self-reliant, holding your chin up, and moving forward with grace is overrated. Often it leads to bitterness, with many people developing a hard heart and repercussion...
It gets worse. It’s a scathing, mean spirited message, telling you how awful you are and how much he can’t stand you. It goes on and on, includes many expletives and it makes you sick as you read it. It is so full of hate, anger and bitterness that you are cringing. ...
Anger, bitterness, rage, resentment, hate, and fear can be overcome. They do not have to control you because of cancer, and there are ways to overcome them in a healthy manner. Often, by experiencing these changes in personality and attitude, once you work your way through them you will...
At the root of both bitterness and fury lies a feeling that it is not legitimate to ask someone to love us properly, to look after our needs or to be kind. We can’t complain well because we are ashamed of ourselves an...