Chapter 15 bankruptcy was added to the law in 2005 to deal with cross-border cases, which involve debtors, assets, creditors, and other parties that may be in more than one country. This type of petition is usually filed in the debtor's home country.9 Being Discharged From Bankruptcy Whe...
For example, it's generally not acceptable to ask someone how much they earn. 例如,问某人赚多少钱一般是不可接受的。 However, people talk about money all the time; in this lesson you'll see how to talk about money in a natural way in English. 然而,人们总是在谈论金钱;在这节课中,大家...
Welcome to "How to Bankrupt Your Student Loans & Other Discharge Strategies" This website is dedicated to helping honest debtors struggling with student loans to discharge or reduce their debts through bankruptcy or other means. Are you considering or entering into bankruptcy and want to include yo...
Welcome to "How to Bankrupt Your Student Loans & Other Discharge Strategies" This website is dedicated to helping honest debtors struggling with student loans to discharge or reduce their debts through bankruptcy or other means. Are you considering or entering into bankruptcy and want to include yo...
to the market’s overall risk, specific risk or unsystematic risk istied directly to the performance of a particular securityand can be protected against through investment diversification. One example of unsystematic risk is a company declaring bankruptcy, thereby making its stock worthless to ...
bankruptcy predictionclusters computingThis article presents results of a survey that has been led in this year in the University of Szczecin. The aim of the survey was to find a neural model that would be able to predict a bankruptcy of a firm with a high rate of precision. The problem ...
Are bankruptcy and insolvency the same thing? My company has fallen into insolvency – now what? We can help No company wants to be insolvent, but running a business can be tough, and sometimes things just don’t work out. Don’t give up though – company insolvency doesn’t mean the ...
Chapter 15 takes up the provisions of the law up a notch with its provision of effective mechanisms to deal with insolvency cases across different countries. Alternatives To Bankruptcy If you are caught in a bind but think that filing for bankruptcy is too much, you can always resort to meas...
MF Global, one of the world’s largest derivatives brokerages, misused US$1.6 billion of its customers’ funds to cover its own trading losses before the brokerage firm ultimately filed for bankruptcy in 2011. Local investors of MF Global Singapore were hit and feared they might never get thei...
If you received the cancelled debt due to bankruptcy filing. To the extent you are insolvent immediately before the cancellation of the debt. Insolvency means your debts exceed the value of all your assets. You can exclude cancelled debt from income up to the amount that you are inso...