I continue to do this as an adult. And not just at Christmas. When I bake, I will often have the boys put together a plate of goodies for our neighbors. I also have them use their artistic talents. They use paint and colors to make birthday and get-well cards for their friends and...
Their ego demands that you recognize their ‘devotion.’ They are convinced that you need to learn the truth, that deep down you are completely in love with them and just need to be shown the error in your thinking. This behavior is a sign of mental illness. You won’t be able to co...
And the association’s fees are going to be shared among you and your neighbors. That’s a good reason to deal with conflict before it reaches that point. “Don’t throw your hands up, which is the worst thing you can do,” says Dawn Bauman, senior vice president for ...
Determining property lines can provide you with information for needed legal changes to your home and backyard.
With that in mind, find out what your neighbors are prohibited from doing with their properties before you commit to buying. Learn About HOAs In the United States, you might take for granted that any apartment building or housing development operates according to the rules of a homeowner...
Bad Neighbors Can Ruin a Good Neighborhood This one may sound funny, but it is a good idea to research the neighbors directly near the property you are considering. It doesn’t mean you need to stake the place out, but the last thing you want is to get stuck living next to alousy ne...
Read More: Can You Still Legally Smoke In Your Own Car In Illinois? That's right, folks, you can't just whip out your... well, you know... in your car and expect to get away with it. It's considered indecent exposure and can land you in some serious legal trouble. And no, ...
Could you imagine Legally Blonde ending any other way than with Elle Woods' passionate graduation speech? The 2001 movie concludes with Reese Witherspoon's character graduating from Harvard as valedictorian, but in honor of the 20th anniversary of the iconic film, the cast revealed the original ...
2: Disclosing to a third party that you owe a debt. Debt collectors are allowed to contact third parties (such as neighbors, coworkers, relatives other than your spouse, etc.)only in order to try to find out how to locate you. They cannot discuss your debt with other people. ...
Legally, a debt collector must provide this information on the first contact or within five days of the first contact.2Make sure to get as much information about the caller as possible while avoiding answering any questions or giving out information about yourself. It's always wise to avoid di...