21.They didn’t have ADHD when I was a kid.(They actually did. They just hadn’t named it, or figured out how to help kids who suffered from it.) If you have a child in your life who has been diagnosed with ADHD or a learning disability, take a moment to walk in his shoes. ...
Sibley says children with ADHD may develop self-esteem issues as a result of repeated negative feedback from their environment. Because of their lowered impulse control, Barkley says kids with ADHD may act in ways that others deem inappropriate. It’s not uncommon for children with ADHD to reac...
Often, the roles of bully and victim are fluid. Kids who feel insecure or different from others are more likely to be aggressors at one time and then victims at another. Children and teens with ADHD may becometargets for bulliesdue to impulsiveness, clumsiness, and greater challenges navigating...
Indeed, most kids don’t lie to hurt their parents. They lie because there’s something else going on. The important part for you as a parent is to address the behavior behind the lie. If you’re taking it personally, you’re probably angry and upset—and not dealing with the behavior...
Just say to yourself, “As a parent I’m doing the right thing by setting these limits.” Where should you draw the line with disrespectful behavior? I think every parent has a different line for their kids, and you’re going to know what that line is. Plan ahead and let y...
Overprotective parents can make even the simplest things, like going out with friends and having a boyfriend, into major sources of conflict. This creates long-term problems for the child. Learn some tips on how to get them to give you some freedom.
There's no one-size-fits-all way to deal with ADHD. Younger kids start with behaviortherapy, and the doctor may prescribemedicationif symptoms don't improve enough. Older kids will usually get both.ADHD symptoms, and their treatment, may change over time. ...
New warnings on stimulants for ADHD: Cause for alarm? Rostain: Suppose you have a patient with hyper- that you can safely give stimulants to hypertensive tension or a history of a heart condition, should patients by partnering with medical colleagues and that patient first be evaluated ... ...
The most fundamental way of supporting a grandchild with ADHD is being a consistent, loving, and accepting presence in the child’s life. Kids with ADHD and their parents get judged a great deal by each other, other kids, other parents, and the school personnel. Therefore, a grandparent wh...
A Day in the Work Life With ADHD Why ADHD Makes It Hard to Focus ADHD is frequently diagnosed during childhood, but the symptoms usually persist into adulthood—although it may look slightly different in adults than in kids. The signs of ADHD may be more subtle in adults, but that does ...