A temper tantrum, in common, is sudden and even fierce also sometimes considered to like a summer storm and this of toddler sometimes makes you annoyed with no way to deal with. Just after a few minutes or during the funny time, a toddler suddenly turns his feelings into whimpering, whinin...
PARENTING: How to deal with the toddler who bitesJohn Rosemond
If your little one is yelling, kicking, and screaming—and you're losing your cool—you're probably wondering how to handle your toddler's tantrum. And while there's no one right way to deal with the situation, most experts agree on what doesn't work. At the top of the "don't" li...
Toddler tantrums are a normal part of emotional development intoddlerhood—they are a common response when toddlers are faced with conflict. Even if you, as the parent, are simply enforcing a rule or doing something to keep your little one safe, your toddler may take this as a full-on bat...
5 ways to deal with a tantrum Remaining calm is one of the best—and yet one of the toughest—ways to help your toddler settle down when they’re upset, says Felman. During a tantrum, your child needs to know that their emotions are manageable and that they’re safe. Try the...
Welcome to motherhood. However, with shopping as much as I do, I’ve learned a few things on how to shop with a toddler. Without babysitters most of the time, he’s usually my little sidekick on all of my shopping trips. As much as I love this little man to pieces, he’s not ...
Several things we are going to try with our toddler to expand her food choices and more balanced diet: Change food she prefers in a way to add a bit of what she wouldn’t eat, maybe mixed in or chopped to small, undetectable size. It’s more likely she’ll try something well cooked...
old can’t exactly chop the onions, they can help put together all the ingredients for a salad. If your kiddo is into “helping” you with the laundry, let him or her pour the soap or move the laundry from the washer to the dryer. There’s nothing a toddler likes more than ...
Buy Healthy Nutritious Baby, Toddler food made by our own Doctor Mom ! Then comes the next big question ” How to travel with a toddler in tow? ” In this one year that our little one has been around, we have had a fair bit of travel to do, with all the knowledge garnered through...
Not all extreme toddler behavior can be chalked up to a passing phase of the terrible twos. When outbursts are so prolonged, frequent, or disruptive that they affect your child's ability to eat, sleep, or attend daycare or preschool, it may be time to talk to an expert.5Pediatricians ...