It is not unusual for people to try to build themselves up by tearing others down. The co-worker could be using such underhanded tactics as taking credit for your work, belittling you or your suggestions with put-downs, sabotaging your projects or spreading rumors about you. Allowing the pro...
Unfortunately, the workplace is where people can be difficult, dysfunctional and downright brutish—and you still have to deal with them in a calm and professional manner. Below, we help you deal with 10 types of difficult coworkers. Hopefully this will help your day go a little bit smoother...
Don't tell a coworker, 'You people are always causing problems'Topics like religion, politics, and child-rearing sometimes come up in the workplace, Randall says. But to negatively comment about any group is unwise and unprofessional, and it could get you in trouble for harassment. How do ...
If your co-worker is consistently late, slacks off, or helps himself to office supplies from the storeroom, it might leave you feeling frustrated, irritated or even angry. It's often difficult to deal with a co-worker's poor work ethics; however, you don't necessarily have to ignore your...
It is common to think you have to deal with someone, when you actually do not. It is also common to believe you can get a toxic person to change while interacting with them. My experience is that unless you are a professional, you will not get them to change and trying it simply is...
Criticize with Care. ... Be Flexible. ... Give Simple Directions. ... Defend Your Subordinates. How do you outsmart a manipulative coworker? Here are a few ways to do so: Try to See Things From Their Perspective. ... Remain Professional and Try to Find the Good in Them. ... ...
21+ Signs of a Relationship Moving Too Fast & How to Cope Read Now How to deal with chronic lateness in relationships: 7 effective ways Dealing with chronic lateness in relationships requires patience, understanding, and a proactive approach. It’s a common issue that, if not addressed, can ...
How to stop self-sabotaging: 5 steps to change your behavior How to get people to like you even if you're shy How to deal with passive-aggressive people no matter your relationship Are you a likable person? 6 qualities of likable people The difference between envy vs. jealousy (with...
Jealousy, left unchecked, can lead to many self-sabotaging behaviors such as being overly suspicious, having a lack of trust, and constantly feeling betrayed
The larger your core wound is, the more you struggle to connect with your inner Center orTrue Nature(which we could refer to as “Soul Loss“). Sometimes, the unhealed core wound is passed onto the people around you (like a virus) – especially children, who are the most susceptible and...