Which is why it’s SUPER IMPORTANT for you to learn how to defuse and deal with it. QUICK NOTE:Want to learn one of the best ways to defuse and deal with the issues of a negative wife or “drama queen?” It’s the secret bonus technique I have locked away in my...
Instead of arguing or fighting backwhen their spouse disagreesor makes a request, passive aggressive spouses may procrastinate when asked to do a chore. They hold their emotions when they are angry or upset or show up late to events important to you to show their dislike for these events. Wh...
A preoccupation with thoughts about beauty, power, brilliance,ideal life partneris another significant characteristic of such people. It may be difficult to notice at times because many people are attracted to these things but people who have experience of dealing with a narcissist know that their ...
Don’t let yourself get the “stalker” label. At some point, you will have to decide that thecustomer is not worth your time, walk away and chalk it up to experience. Lauren Kubiak and Keren Lerner contributed to this article.
Whether this is your first marriage or fourth, don't neglect to update your estate-planning documents, such as your will, and make sure to update the beneficiary designations on your retirement and insurance accounts. You want to make sure your spouse will be taken care of if you die ...
Choosing what's best does not mean you have to always sacrifice yourself for others.An overly(过度的) exhausted mother can lose her temper easily.Some time off for this mother might seem selfish, yet in the long run, it can help her to be a better mother to her children.So as we mov...
Acceptance doesn’t mean forgetting. It’s about learning how to deal with the death of a parent and not having their physical presence around any longer. Give yourself space and freedom from guilt, shame, or judgment while grieving the loss of a parent. Your feelings are natural and valid...
Divorce or Separation:When a child’s parents divorce or separate, grandparents may step in to provide stability and maintain family connections. Death of a Parent:The surviving parent may limit or cut off contact with the deceased parent’s extended family. ...
If you believe you'll make less than $1,000 in a given year through your self-employment, you don't have to pay quarterly estimated taxes. "There can be another strategy for not paying estimated taxes, which may work if you’re keeping your day job or if your spouse w...
Everyone has their own definition of what is fair, and a fair divorce doesn't always mean 50-50. There is more than meets the eye on resolving parenting plans, custody, alimony and assets/liabilities and these matters are too difficult to try to negotiate with your spouse on your own. ...