P352352. How to Pronounce BREWS, BRUISE, & BRUCE bruːz & bruːs- American English Pro 01:53 P353353. Tutorial How to Pronounce S at end of words- plurals, possessives, verbs - 18:17 P354354. TUTORIAL - How to Pronounce Contractions ARE, WILL, HAVE, HAD - English Pro 16:58 ...
To get a bruise, you have to be hit by something or you have to run into something. When this happens, smallbloodvessels are broken and bleed. Because there’s no cut in theskinabove them, your red blood cells are trapped under the skin after your tiny blood vessels carrying them have...
After seeing the above dangers and treatments, its also helpful to pack a small basic first aid kit for your trip. Make sure that you include items that are unique to you and fit your environment (bleeding, bruise, snake bite, etc.).A. Cover the wound with a dry, clean bandage.B. ...
英语翻译A:It’s rash.I’d better take you to see the doctor.How did you get that bruise on your leg?B:I bashed it against the chair in my room.A:Does it hurt?B:A little ,but not much. 答案 这是疹子,我最好带你去看医生.你腿上的淤青是怎么来的?我在房间里撞到椅子上了.疼么?
Play it cool. Every man likes a challenge. Once they see something they want, they go after it. If it comes too easily they will lose interest. Men love the thrill of the chase. Pretend not to be interested in him. This might bruise his ego, but it will make him want to work eve...
Put an ice pack on the bruise.If you don't have an ice pack, you can put ice cubes in a plastic zipper bag. Wrap the ice pack in a clean towel and apply to the bruise for 20 minutes. Elevate the bruised area. Keeping the bruise elevated will restrict the blood flow to the bruise...
How to Use, Bruise and Lose a TrademarkBergerson, Stephen R
How to Apply a Fake Bruise: This instructable will teach you how to apply an Oscar-worthy make up bruise. No more wondering whether or not to ACTUALLY punch your or your actor in the face, this way, no one gets hurt. This is a self taught method, so if y
Bruises can be embarrassing, so make them dissipate fast with these simple at-home remedies.Following an injury, blood pools under the skin forming a bruise. The extent of the injury other health factors determine the severity of the bruise, and how long it will last. There are treatments...
When your immune system reacts to help your body fight infection or injury, the body can become inflamed in the affected area. For most of us, this is a good thing because it indicates that we’re healing. For example, when you bump your knee, you may get a bruise, which is inflamma...