] It's like a mother with her kid — a mother knows best. I feellike [that] when it comes to the integrity of my project. I how it is to not be able to afford a ticket or even f—ing food. A concertticket, a lot of times, means multiple meals for someone. I getit...
Ronny Miller, on the other hand, was the first kid in school to latch onto sex. While the rest of us got our thrills in saying an occasional “shit” or “asshole,” Ronny was well onto “fuck,”“cunt” and “pussy.” He would drop straight-faced lines like “Would you ask Ann ...
1. Say the word “Nay” (as in “Neighbor”) in a bratty way. The tone should be very buzzy and nasal-sounding. To get the bratty sound right, try to sound like the wicked witch of the west. 2. Next, sing a comfortable note at the bottom your voice (try E3 for guys and C#4...
capable, and aware. When they seem deliberately bratty or downright mean, we’ll need to remind ourselves:These are tiny people with incredibly low impulse control who are very easily overwhelmed.In the moment, it may feel like our kids are out to get us,...
is your imagination. Since a scene is something you have nearly complete control over, you don’t have to be nearly as vigilant with the rules you put into play. As long as the rule won’t undermine your authority, make logical sense, and is created with a purpose, you’re good to ...
around my house when my kids were young: My son would come limping in the house with a pair of skinned up knees…”Oh for heaven’s sake I think you’ll live…a kid came into the ER last week that had chopped 4 of his toes off in a lawn mower. Do you think it hurtsthatmuch?
Setting the bar too high for your child’s behavior can lead to them feeling pressure, while setting the bar too low may lead to a bratty child or one who won’t reach their full potential. Children develop differently and may have different strengths and weaknesses. If you have older chi...
It's not easy to be playful when we're all so caught up in the stresses of everyday life as well as all of the serious problems in the world. Still, anyone can make more time for laughter, games, and a more positive perspective in life...