KI-WOO (CONT’D) I’m here to prepare you for the real thing. I’m not here to help you learn. I’m here to help you score. 18. 15 INT. MANSION - KITCHEN - EVENING CLOSE ON a thick money envelope being handed to Ki-Woo. YON-KYO I’ll pay you each month on this ...
First off, I’d like to say my greetings to the old and new viewers who had been reading my posts since the site was started three years ago. In addition, I particularly, say my thanks to those who voluntarily gave referrals to other people for knowing my site. Thanks again for your ...
Another thing that many guys with big egos really hate is when there are consequences for them acting badly. They often complain that they are being “punished” or that they’re being treated like children. They feel powerless and this directly affects their ego. You’re not actually behaving...
“You don’t have to like school. You don’t even need to agree with our version of reality. But you do need to comply with our rules while you’re living here. That means doing your homework, making decent grades, and getting a part-time job.” They also assured their son that if...
Related:How to Deal With False Accusations in a Relationship Treat as you want to be treated The old saying“do as you would be done by”is very appropriate in relationships where uncertainty is rife. Treating your significant other in the same way as you would want to be treated by them...
ReadHOW TO DEAL WITH HAVING AN ESTRANGED ADULT CHILD. What’s Next for You and Your Adult Children? Do I wish I had capacity back then to do some things differently? Definitely. Do I regret what I allowed my children to endure because of the choices I made? Mm-hmm. ...
Also readHOW TO DEAL WITH HAVING AN ESTRANGED ADULT CHILD. This Monday-morning quarterbacking neglects some basic facts about humans: You Can’t Control Other People We surely have influence over our children, but we do not mold them like clay. When they don’t turn out the way we planne...
We've discussed what estrangement is and how long it typically lasts. Now, let's explore ways to deal with yourdaughter cutting you off. Enlist Support Having one of your children drop you like a hot potato is the emotional equivalent of a torture chamber. When it happens, friends and fam...
Rippee, who works inside the General Services Administration (GSA), described the unaccompanied minors as being treated like “commodities… like potato chips on a truck.” The contract, which she highlights as an enormous “big money business,” involves moving children, often separated from their...
4. Be rational: Think and act rationally with objectivity when you deal with people or judge their behavior. 5. Avoid assumptions: Do not jump to conclusions or make assumption when you do not know people well. Avoid the temptation to make up information based upon your feelings rather than...