Usage: Double click toggle_anti_cheat.exe and you will be notified EAC has been disabled. Run it again to enable EAC if you wish to go online once more. While the anti-cheat is off, the game will say "inappropriate activity detected" in the main menu, this is fine. Offline launcher:...
So, these are steps that you need to follow to fix EasyAntiCheat.sys BSOD error. If theBSoD is only on one game, check out our dedicated guide. We also have a guide onApex Legends Anti Cheat error, that is caused by this software, so don’t miss it. If you have any other questi...
you can go to this location to delete the EasyAntiCheat.sys file:C:\Program Files (x86)\Easy Anti Cheat\easyanticheat.sys. After deleting this file, if you want to run it, you can restart your computer, go to the game installation folder to findEasyAntiCheat_Setup.exeand run it. ...
2. Kicked: EAC Disconnected: This message indicates a client-side connectivity issue with your PC and the EasyAntiCheat network. Make sure that your anti-virus and/or firewall is not blocking the connection to EasyAntiCheat’s DNS address: Always launch the game...
Fix 1. Repair or reinstall Easy Anti-Cheat As mentioned, the related service could cause issues with EAC, causing launch errors. Try repairing the component as follows: Press Win+E to open File Explorer. Navigate to the following location:C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyAntiCheat Click ...
ClickOpen Install Locationto access the Fortnite directory. Find Easy Anti-Cheat by navigating to FortniteGame > Binaries > Win64 > EasyAntiCheat. Right-click EasyAntiCheat, chooseCreate Shortcutand move it back to the folder if neede...
False-positive triggered by AV software– If you’re using a 3rd party AV software, keep in mind that some of them are known to conflict with the Easy Anti Cheat engine. What typically happens is, the AV treats the main executable as a false positive and blocks it. In this case, you...
If you're encountering the Easy Anti-Cheat error in Apex Legends, there are seven potential fixes to explore. You may not need to try them all; simply proceed down the list until you find the solution that works for you: 1. Update Device Drivers ...
When the EAC service is missing, the software can't operate correctly, leading to the error message and the inability to play the associated games. Fortunately, several solutions can help you fix the “Easy Anti-Cheat is not installed” error. For instance, users can force the installation ...
Easy Anti-Cheat is required to play Fortnite. If you skipped this during the installation, you’ll need to install EAC before you can play. Please note that you may need to reinstall Fortnite on the same drive where your Windows OS is to ...